
Surf, Sand & Books Event with Sabrina Sol

Sabrina Sol is the chica who loves love. She writes steamy romance stories featuring smart and sexy Latinas in search of their Happily Ever Afters. She lives in Southern California with her husband, three kids, two Beagles and one Bulldog, and is part of a larger, extended Mexican family whose members are NOT the source of inspiration for her characters. Or so she tells them.


Hi everyone! I’m so happy to join the Surf, Sand and Books event!

Being a Southern California native, summer is definitely my favorite season of the year. Every day is a beach day! While the kids play in the water, you’ll usually find me sitting in my favorite camping chair with my nose in a magazine or my Kindle. I’ll pre-download something from Jennifer Weiner or Jen Lancaster or even the latest Brazen releases (although those may require a dip in the ocean to cool off afterward!)

Besides my Kindle, my must-have beach take-along is something cool and refreshing to eat. I adore fresh summer fruits like watermelon, pineapple and mango. One of my favorite snacks to enjoy at the beach, and really all summer long, is Mexican fruit salad. If you like the combination of sweet, salty and spicy, then you’ll love this!

Here’s the basic recipe:

Cut-up fruit (just use what you like)
Chili powder (or you can use a seasoning mix known as either Pico de Gallo or Tajin)

Squeeze the lemon over the fruit, sprinkle salt and the chili powder to taste and mix together. And enjoy!

Speaking of things that are sweet and spicy….

My new Brazen release is called DELICIOUS TEMPTATION. It’s about a good girl, a bad boy and lots of decadent Mexican desserts.

The only thing naughtier than a bad boy is a good girl...

Amara Maria Robles is a good girl. So good that she gave up her dreams of becoming a renowned pastry chef to help her parents with their struggling Mexican bakery. Yet her parents reject any changes she suggests, and refuse to sell her mouth-watering confections. Clearly being a good girl isn't paying off. So when her brother's sexy ex-best friend walks into the bakery, Amara's tempted to be very bad indeed...

After a scandal twelve years ago, resident bad boy Eric Valencia has returned to make things right with his family and friends. One glance at Amara and her wicked curves, however, and Eric finds himself thinking about how she’d feel beneath him—something he promised Amara's brother he would never think about, let alone do.

But this bad boy is in deep trouble...because Amara's determined to have her cake, and Eric, too.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |
Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card + One of Sabrina's Novellas

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sabrina Sol for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jo's Daughter said...

I love fruit salads but have never tried it with chilli powder :-)

Marcy Meyer said...

Fruit is the best summer snack, I agree. Your recipe sounds great.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the excerpt. Great cover. Sabrina is a new Author for me. I'm looking forward to reading Delicious Temptation.
Carol L
Lucky4750. (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

This book sounds great!

Sophia Rose said...

I am always in the mood for fruit in the summer. I am curious to try this one to see what the spices do to the fruit for taste.

Sue G. said...

Interesting fruit salad.

erin said...

oooh... I love cooking stories :) thanks for the fun post and giveaway!

Rita Wray said...

Sounds like a good read.

dstoutholcomb said...

love the recipe

Cheryl Hastings said...

Book sounds great, as does the recipe!

Anonymous said...

I like individually freezing small melon cubes, berries and grapes to eat as snacks during the summer.

The books sounds really good, especially since I love foodie romances.

Marcy Shuler

Glenda said...

Even though I've been in Texas for over 24 years, I still haven't tried chili on fruit....

Brooke Showalter said...

That recipe sounds so intriguing! Thanks for sharing.

Mary Preston said...

I like fruit salad, but I'm not sure about the salt and chilli powder.

Barbara E. said...

Wow, Mexican fruit salad. Sounds like a very different mix of flavors. I enjoyed the description of Delicious Temptation, it sounds great. :D

Ada said...

Mexican fruit salad sounds delish, nothing better to eat when it's so hot outside! Your books sound great!

bn100 said...

interesting recipe

fernanda79 said...

The book sounds great!

Unknown said...

I am a Mexican and have trouble eating a lot of the foods. Chili and me don't mix any more. I loved the cover.

Sapir said...

My Kindle is a must have!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance at the giveaway! Sounds right up my alley! :)

Vanessa N. said...

Love the cover. Definitely adding it to my wishlist.

Laney4 said...

I must say I've never seen a recipe quite like that - and now I want to try it. Thanks!

Laney4 said...

That's odd. I left a comment yesterday and for some reason it said it would be visible after approval, even though I have commented here for ages and not seen that message in quite some time....

Anita H. said...

Mmm, mexican fruit salad sounds delish! You're a new author to me but I love Entangled's authors!!

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