
A Blissfully Spooky Halloween with Kyra Jacobs

Kyra Jacobs is an extroverted introvert who writes of love, humor and mystery in the Midwest and beyond. When this Hoosier native isn’t pounding out scenes for her next book, she's likely outside, elbow-deep in snapdragons or spending quality time with her sports-loving family. Kyra also loves to read, tries to golf, and is an avid college football fan. Be sure to stop by her website to learn more about her novels and ways connect with her on social media.

Not exactly Spooktacular…

Some people totally rock Halloween. They do extravagant costumes, go with all the coolest themes, throw spooktacular parties… Me? Not so much. In fact, I pretty much suck at Halloween. And while I’d like to say that’s because I’m older and a few years removed from trick-or-treating, to be honest? I’ve pretty much always sucked at it.

See, I grew up in a small Indiana town. As such, there weren’t a whole lot of places to go trick-or-treating. So the whole costume thing was rather overrated. I mean, why go to great lengths putting together some amazing costume if you only got to show it to your three elderly neighbors?

To compensate for that (and to force our parents into supporting the local economy) our elementary school used to have a costume parade through the gymnasium each year. Anyone else remember events like this at their schools?

Ah, yes, the good ‘ole Halloween Parade.

Nothing like a bunch of teachers organizing an event that scares kids into costume compliance for fear we’d be “that kid”—the one with no costume. So we’d drag costumes of all shapes and sizes to school with us and not-so-patiently count down the minutes until it was officially time to get dressed up. By sixth grade I was pretty much over it, but darn if peer pressure didn’t have me changing my mind the night before.

Yep, nothing like waiting until the last minute to decide a costume is needed in a town that had long-since sold out of everything. No matter, I had the perfect plan: go as a robot. Hey, I’d seen them on MTV, all rectangular and shiny. And I had the perfect, big box from some recent family purchase just begging to be put to good use. All I needed to do was wrap the whole thing in aluminum foil.

Only, we didn’t have enough aluminum foil. Not nearly enough. But rather than go without a costume at all, I wrapped the box as best I could (well, as many sides of it as I could) and trudged through that ridiculous parade the next day alongside everyone else. And after the snickers and mocking looks ceased, I threw that box in a dumpster and officially waved the white flag on Halloween.

Now that I’m a parent, we live in a much bigger neighborhood where what seems like a bazillion kids run wild for 2 hours each Halloween. And since my kids love the thrill of trick-or-treating, I make sure to plan ahead a little better for their costumes. Like this year. We’ve got, what? Six days left to figure it out? No problem. And I always make sure to stock up on aluminum foil, just in case…

Sometimes it's not the destination, but the detour...

Kayla has the perfect strategy for a broken heart: work, work, and more work. Then a storm sends her car skidding off the road, stranding her in Mount Pleasant. Fortunately, rescue comes in the form of the incredibly handsome but gruff Brent Masterson. And he's hot enough to tempt Kayla into doing something she never thought she could do...

Brent Masterson swore he would never give into the fierce attraction that's been sizzling between him and Kayla since they first met. He has his own demons, and he won't risk his heart again. Not even for someone as gorgeous and amazing as Kayla. exactly did he end up in Kayla's bed last night?

But sometimes all it takes is an ice storm to show two broken hearts the way home…

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  • 1 eBook copy of Her Unexpected Detour

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Special thanks to Kyra Jacobs for sponsoring this giveaway.
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erin said...

congrats to Kyra on the new release :) thanks for sharing!

girlygirlhoosier52 said...

I'm so glad to see this !! I love finding new authors!! Congrats to Kyra!!

Kyra Jacobs said...

Thank you, Erin! Wishing everyone a happy Halloween :-)

Kyra Jacobs said...

Thank you, girlygirl! Hoosiers unite ;-)

Sue G. said...

Congrats on the release!

I always made my girl's Halloween costume so I used to start in August or September! My three usually picked Disney princesses and it would take forever. Some years I had to even take a day off of work just to finish, but looking back it was fun! Now I miss the picking out costumes.

Mary Preston said...

It makes you want to stock up on foil just in case.

Kyra Jacobs said...

Thanks, Sue! I always admire moms who are creative like that. Me, I have two boys and (thankfully) they have been pretty low-maintenance when it comes to costumes. :-)

Kyra Jacobs said...

LOL Mary. Agreed. I just got back from the store, twitched the whole way thru that aisle ;-)

Anonymous said...

The book sounds great, Kyra!

I remember the school Halloween Parade. LOL There is a small town near us where the shops in town host trick or treating at their businesses for the kids. Anything for candy, I guess.

Marcy Shuler

Kyra Jacobs said...

Thanks, Marcy! Yes, we have a few shopping centers in Fort Wayne that do something similar. Thankfully, my kids haven't keyed up on that option, yet. ;-)

Rebecca James said...

You're a new author to me, Kyra. I have added to my TBR list. :)

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