
ARC Review: The Crusader’s Heart by Claire Delacroix

Claire Delacroix has been on my to= read list for such a long time I jumped at the chance to finally read her. I’m glad to say that I was not disappointed. Although this is the second book in the “The Champions of Saint Euphemia” and I have not read the first book, I did not feel lost in the story and it can be a stand alone.

Wulfe is a part of the Knights Templar. He is a devoted knight. When he is interested with a big mission he has only one objective in mind-fulfill his promises and complete his duties. Christina presents many complications to him when she interferes with his mission and eventually with his heart. I really liked both Wulfe and Christina. I enjoyed their individual personalities and also them as a couple. I thought that the author really developed them as characters and I enjoyed seeing the struggles they faced and how they dealt with them. I loved the tension and chemistry that existed between both these characters.

Christina was such a complex and rich character. As a courtesan her life is filed with many different parts. Wulfe was a great hero. He seemed to be a little judgmental of Christina but both of them had very guarded personalities and watching their defenses unfold was gratifying.

This story is not a quick read but it was very rewarding. Delacroix presents a story filled with not only passion but also with adventure. The story was engaging from beginning to end and very satisfying. I’m looking forward to what she has in store for the rest of the series.

**ARC provided by Author**

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