
ARC Review: My Soul To Keep by Kennedy Ryan

I am a huge fan of Kennedy Ryan. Her Bennetts series is absolutely fantastic, and is still one of my favorites I have ever read. Her stories are beautiful and emotional, and Kennedy Ryan has a way with words that is impossible to describe. Each story I read from her is one that I always feel connected to and invested in. So when I saw that she had a new book coming out, I immediately jumped at the chance. My Soul To Keep is so good, and I loved it. It was everything I have come to know and love from her, and yet it was so much more. I went into this book blind, so I feel I should warn potential readers that there is a cliffhanger and the story will continue for these two. 

After losing her mother to an illness that slowly took her life, Kai is finally ready to focus on herself. All that matters is pursuing her dream and love of music. So she set out with her best friend since childhood leaving Georgia behind for L.A. When she meets the famous Rhyson Gray through her vocal coach and friend Grady, she knows her life will never be the same. Rhyson has been living what most would consider a dream life. He is talented and famous, and has played on some of the biggest stages in the world. But he also has so much more to him that most have no clue about and when he meets Kai, he knows that they are more alike than anyone else he has ever met. But knowing that Kai isn't looking for a relationship or any distractions from her music, he will have to fight to get her to take a chance on what he knows they could have together. 

I really loved Rhyson and Kai. Both of these characters were so unique and different, and the passion they had for music was so intense. They understood one another and were able to connect in ways that they couldn't with many others. Kai was struggling with moving forward after the death of her mother, and Rhyson had a lot that he struggled with because of his childhood and parents. The connection between these two was electric when they first met, and the way that Kennedy Ryan described it was absolutely beautiful. You could see the sparks and how things just changed for them in an instant. But it was over the entire course of this book that you really got to see them grow and changed as they really got to explore who each of them were and what the future could hold for them. 

Overall, this was a great book and I couldn't put it down. I wasn't expecting the cliffhanger, so suffice it to say I was a bit shocked. I was left with so many feelings, but the strongest one was an absolute need for more of Rhyson and Kai. I need to know what happens from where things left off here, and I can't wait to get the next chapter in their story. My Soul To Keep is one of those books that I would highly recommend to any romance reader, as I think that it will appeal to anyone looking for a good love story and those that are seeking a deep and emotional book. Even though it does have a cliffhanger and a lot of people avoid them, I really believe that this book is worth the read and readers shouldn't be afraid to jump in. This book is so good, and I know I will be stalking Kennedy Ryan for any information I can get on when the next book for these two comes out.

**ARC Provided by Sassy Savvy Fabulous PR**

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