
ARC Review: A Mackenzie Clan Gathering by Jennifer Ashley

It’s no surprise that I would practically beg to review this book, I Love Ian MacKenzie! The series is an entertaining one, with each of its brothers who couldn’t be more different from each if they tried but they love each other and will protect each other fiercely; especially Ian. Ian is considered “mad” but everyone who has read his book The Madness of Ian MacKenzie we can figure out the real problem. Ian will do anything to protect those he counts as his, his brothers, his wife, and now his three children. So when someone breaks in steals a large number of the art collection Ian blames himself for not being able to protect the house as he should. For this being just a novella it is full it feels like its full length. You see how Ian has grown as a father, and how he still loves Beth with a passion that is never ending. Beth is his lodestone when he starts to have an episode Beth is there to pull him back to reality.

Ian is awoken one night, a feeling that something is wrong in the house. He finds a group of men stealing from the art gallery; with no concern to himself he attacks the men. The men get away with the art and a little more beaten up. Ian contacts his half brother in the Scotland Yard and asks for his help. Lloyd Fellows drops everything and travels up to Kilmorgan as fast as the train will carry him. Something about the case rings a familiar for Fellows. To top off the brother of Beth’s deceased husband shows up. Ackerley is a former missionary with an interest in psychology thinks that he can cure Ian of his madness. This process involves Ian going back and remembering his past. After Ackerley’s announcement Ian gets worried and started wondering around after a while he falls into a hole. Beth and Fellows search for Ian for hours finally after nightfall Ian shows up and reveals that the stolen art was just dumped. Again Fellows remembers something from his past. At Ian request Fellows digs up the past case, while Ian and Ackerley dig into Ian past trying to find the trigger for Ian’s madness. Together with Fellows and Ackerley, Ian tracks down the mystery of the theft and Ian realizes he wouldn’t be who he is without his madness.

Overall, I loved this novella and not just because of Ian, it was a very satisfying read and a great story.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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