
Interview with Author S.L. Jennings and Giveaway

Meet S.L. Jennings author of Tryst.

S.L. Jennings is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of contemporary and paranormal romance, reality TV junkie, obsessive coffee drinker and collector of crazy.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for 13 years in May and we are the parents of 3 rambunctious boys. My husband is military so we have had the opportunity to live in some pretty awesome places. I drink too much coffee, cuss like a sailor, crave sushi everyday and am addicted to makeup, handbags and crazy colored leggings. You know… standard author stuff.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Not exactly, although it isn’t surprising. I wrote songs, poems and short stories as a kid. I worked in music for a while and thought I’d still be a part of that industry in some way. When I stopped doing music, I needed an outlet to fulfill that creative side. Writing has been that and so much more.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Definitely a Pantster! Even when I try to plot, it never works out. Blame it on my ADD.

Where do your ideas come from?
Dreams, mostly, and real life. I’d like to think that my books are relatable and realistic.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
One woman’s fantasies become more than she bargained for and now she’s torn between the man she vowed to love, and the man her body needs.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I crave beautiful, lyrical writing. My favorite genres are paranormal and contemporary romance, but I also love YA and dystopian.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
I can’t really say I do, but there are some books that have always stayed with me. Easy by Tammara Webber, The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning, The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay, The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons, The Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward, The Sweet Gum Tree by Katherine Allred and Hopeless by Colleen Hoover.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write? Why?
Sex scenes! I feel so awkward like someone is reading over my shoulder as I write. Then I wonder, “Is this going too far? Do people really do this stuff? Will readers think I do this stuff?”

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
J.R. Ward because she seems like a really cool, eccentric person, Stephanie Meyer because she created a book boyfriend that will always have my heart and R.K. Lilley because I will find any excuse to hang out with that awesome woman.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Currently, I am working on a fresh, funny, feel-good story about a man who writes smutty romance under a female pen name. Problem is, he thinks the whole idea of love and relationships is a bunch of BS and resents all the cliches in romance. However, he’s living the biggest cliche of all— he’s falling for his hopeless romantic best friend.

From New York Times bestselling author S.L. Jennings comes another scandalously sexy, incredibly hot story about a woman who knows what she wants...and the two men who are dying to give her what she needs.

Heidi DuCane is a tough-as-nails publicist with a passion for success and her husband Tucker. While they’re polar opposites, what they do have in common is a fierce love and commitment to each other. But their relationship-in and out of the bedroom-will be put to the ultimate test.

Rock superstar Ransom Reed is every woman’s fantasy, including Heidi’s. When she meets Ransom, she shares a wild night with him where Heidi gets to play-and Tucker watches, and enjoys, the pleasure Ransom gives Heidi. Though Tucker was a willing participant, Heidi still can’t help reeling with guilt. There’s no doubt that she loves her husband. While Tucker is the perfect lover-generous, attentive and gentle-she needs much more. She needs the mind-blowing ecstasy Ransom offers.

Tucker isn’t blind to the fact that Heidi has unconventional needs which he can’t satisfy. He loves his wife and will do anything to please her The night he watched her and Ransom was so scorching hot amnd Tucker can’t stop thinking about it. He decides he wants to join Ransom in pleasing Heidi. But as Tucker and Heidi soon realize, it’s not just the sex that is enticing. Heidi felt something within her awaken, and she felt so deliciously sated and loved by both men. Tucker felt it too, and he finds it impossible not to want that feeling again.

Ransom and Tucker satisfy a need within Heidi. And now that she’s had them, she can never go back to the way things were before.

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Check out the Sexual Education series:

“I dare you…to let me touch your wife.”

An audible gasp escapes my kiss-swollen lips and turn to Tucker, awaiting his wrath. He returns Ransom’s intent stare, his expression unreadable. Yet, the younger man doesn’t back down, cocking a challenging brow at Tuck’s silence. He remains unmovable, a master at the art of restraint from his years as a shrink. No doubt he’s had to answer some odd questions, but never any involving his wife.

“I don’t let Heidi do anything. She has her own mind…her own body.”

“So maybe I should be asking her.” A sinister smile on his lips, Ransom angles his focus on me. “Heidi, would you let me touch you?”

My first reaction is to say no—hell no. But Tucker quickly grasps my knee, capturing my attention.

“This is what you want,” he whispers. “He…is what you want. And I can accept that. This is your fantasy, baby. Let me help you make it come true.”

I search his face, waiting for him to break into laughter, but he’s completely serious. My husband is telling me to let another man put his hands on me—his wife. This isn’t right. This isn’t what married people are supposed to do. But even as that rational part of my brain lists all the reasons why I shouldn’t allow this to go any further, my body is already tingling with anticipation. My face and chest are flush. My nipples harden in exhilaration. And my mouth waters with the prospect of tasting Ransom’s skin.

Oh, God. I do want this. And now the decision is mine and mine alone.

“So?” Ransom asks, awaiting our fate.

Say no.

Say no.

Grab Tucker’s hand and get the fuck out of here. Go home and make love to him. Let that kind, good, gentle man be enough.

Once again, Ransom Reed steals the truth from my lips, forcing me to abandon all decency and sanity. Making me take the sanctity of my marriage and soil it with my own slick arousal.

In one single breath, I shatter ten years of devotion, trust and love. And although I know what I’m destroying by lighting this fire, I can’t do much more than stand back and watch it all go up in flames.


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of Taint & Tryst

To Enter: 
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to S.L. Jennings & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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