
A Naughty New Year...Brazen Style with Jennifer Bonds and Giveaway

Jennifer Bonds writes sizzling contemporary romance with sassy heroines, sexy heroes, and a whole lot of mischief. When she's not writing or wrangling toddlers, she can be found curled up with a good book and a bottle of wine. Jennifer lives in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where her overactive imagination and weakness for reality TV keep life interesting. She's lucky enough to live with her own real life hero, two adorable children, and a pair of rambunctious dogs. Loves Buffy, Mexican food, the Winchester brothers, and all things zombie. Sings off-key.

Hello Everyone! Thanks so much to Dani for inviting me to join A Naughty New Year…Brazen style! I’m thrilled to be here sharing a new scene from Once Upon a Power Play, the second book in the Risky Business series. In the book, we get to see Chloe and Ryan’s sizzling New Year’s kiss. But what happens after? That was off the page…until now. Enjoy!


“It’s midnight.” Ryan brushed confetti from Chloe’s cheek, his palm soaking up the heat of her skin. “We’re getting out of here.” Not a question, but a fact. It was time to go. He’d held up his end of the deal—after all, he was still wearing the bowtie from hell. Now it was time for his woman to make good on her promise. Judging by the flush of her cheeks, he wasn’t the only one excited by the prospect. Or maybe that was the aftereffect of their New Year’s kiss?

It had been damn near indecent.

Either way, Chloe nodded in agreement, her pupils growing wide as she looked up at him with a mischievous grin that made his balls ache with need. “Please tell me you got a room, because we aren’t going to make it back to your place.”

“Well, I didn’t want to assume anything,” he explained, doing his best to appear contrite. That look? It said everything her stubborn mouth never would. She needed him as desperately as he needed her. Lowering his mouth to her neck, he kissed his way from her collarbone to her ear, stopping only when his lips found the sensitive lobe that would have her melting in his arms. “But you should know by now I’m always game ready.”

Pulling her close, he pressed his erection to her belly, letting her feel his length as he reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the hotel’s plastic key cards.

She glanced at the card before sliding her gaze back to him, desire making her dark eyes appear bottomless under the dim lights. Then she grabbed his hand and led him from the dance floor, weaving her way through the writhing bodies with ease. He loved this side of her. The fearless, take charge, never back down part of her that challenged his own dominant tendencies. How she managed to be both hard and soft at the same time still boggled his mind, but it was sexy as hell. So for now, he would let her lead, enjoying the view of her ass as she slipped through the crowd. Once they got upstairs? That was a different story.

Five minutes later they crashed through the door of the hotel room in a tangle of arms and legs and lips. Her tiny hands went straight to the offending bowtie, the one she’d promised to let him tie her up with if he could just make it to midnight in the monkey suit.

“Oh, no you don’t,” he said, capturing her wrists and sweeping her up in his arms. Just the thought of binding that silk to her body had his cock hard as granite. “My game, my rules.”

“You know, I kind of like it when you play dirty.” Her words were a breathy whisper against his throat as she twisted her fingers in his hair, sending a shiver of anticipation down his spine.

He deposited her at the foot of the bed and pulled the stretch of silk from his neck, dangling it before her. “Much as I enjoy this dress, it has to go,” he said, stroking the swell of her hip with his free hand. “Take it off before I rip it off, princess.”

Chloe reached for the zipper immediately, making quick work of the gold lace as it slipped from her shoulders and pooled at her feet, leaving her curvy body exposed to him in nothing but a pair of tiny black panties and thigh high stockings. Perfect. She was fucking perfect. And she was all his.

“Better?” she asked, arching her brow and snaking an arm around his neck.

“I will be soon enough.” Clasping her wrist, he forced her to turn and pulled her other arm behind her back. A quiet sigh drifted from her lips as he looped the black satin around her wrists and bound them tight. “And you will be too.”

“Promises, promises.” She rubbed her ass against his erection seductively, testing his restraint. His cock responded immediately, straining against the fitted dress pants and sending him to the brink of insanity. Seeing Chloe bound and submissive—or as submissive as the woman could get—in front of him, he’d be lucky if he didn’t lose it as soon as he got between those soft thighs. Hell, the only thing he wanted more than to bury himself inside his woman was to watch her come as he drove her wild with pleasure.

So, yeah. First things first.

“On the bed.” He placed a hand on the small of her back, forcing Chloe to turn around and take a seat on the fluffy down comforter, her thighs spreading easily for him. Gripping her hips, he scooted her back on the bed and dropped to his knees. “Now be a good girl and sit still.”

She smirked and lifted her chin, defiant as usual.

Running his hands up her calves and over the silky stockings, he lowered his mouth to her thigh, nipping at the exposed flesh. Chloe moaned, her body tensing at his touch.

“I like you this way,” he said, his fingers skating around the edge of her lace panties. Impatience flashed in her eyes and she wriggled her bottom. He grinned and stroked one finger down the center of the thin fabric shielding her body from him. “Bound, wet, and completely at my mercy.”

“Who’s asking for mercy? I want it hard and fast.”

“Hard and fast?” He stroked her again, using his tongue this time. When he reached her clit, he paused. Applying more pressure, he sucked hard drawing a whimper from her as she bowed her back to give him better access. “That would be mercy. No, I’m going to take my time with you tonight, princess.”

And that was a promise he had every intention of keeping. He slipped her panties off and kissed his way back up her thigh, enjoying the way her body responded to him with quiet moans as she rocked her hips, desperate for his touch. When he finally teased her opening with his tongue, she cried out, screaming his name and confirming once again that she was his girl. The knowledge nearly unhinged him.

He devoured her, enjoying the sweet taste of her body as she rocked her hips with abandon, racing toward the explosive finale that would send her spiraling back to earth and into his arms. When he was sure she was nearing the edge and could take no more, he delved his fingers inside, pumping them furiously as he sucked on the little bundle of nerves that would send her flying.

His name was on her lips again as her body clenched him tight, taking every last bit of pleasure he offered before collapsing in the bed, boneless and satisfied. He climbed into the bed and stretched out next to her, brushing a damp curl from her forehead.

“That was…” Chloe faltered, as if searching for the right words to describe her languid state. “If that’s a sign of things to come, this is going to be a very good year.”

“Princess, I’m just getting started.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her, slow and deep. “And I can guarantee it’s going to be a damn good year.”


I’m gifting a digital copy of the first book in the Risky Business series, Once Upon a Dare, to one lucky winner, so be sure to enter below for your chance to curl up with Cole and Olivia’s story. Best of luck and Happy New Year!

He'll do whatever it takes to get her against the boards…

Sidelined by a potentially career-ending injury, the only thing hockey player Ryan Douglas should be thinking about is recovery. But after sharing a near death experience and a night of passion with a spunky brunette, the only thing on his mind is five and a half feet of sexy sarcasm. And he'll do whatever it takes to get her back in his bed--even if it means playing dirty.

Chloe Jacobs is done with fairytales. And men. She's kissed her share of frogs and what's it gotten her? Dumped by text--again. Determined to eighty-six illusions of romance and prove she's more than just a good-time girl, the last thing she needs is a pushy, arrogant hockey player testing her resolve. Especially one who's sinfully good with his hands and thinks date-by-blackmail is a perfectly acceptable social convention.

Ryan wants to play games? Fine by her, but this is one faceoff he's going to lose.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | 

Check out the Risky Business series:

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Once Upon a Dare

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Jennifer Bonds for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

Ooh, sexy continuation! Loved it!

Megan1520 said...

This sounds awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!

Nancy Jones said...

I look forward to reading this one.

kim hansen said...

Sounds great.

Unknown said...

I want more of Ryan and Chloe.

erin said...

wowzers! great excerpt :) thanks for sharing!

Mary Preston said...

A great read through thank you.

MrsMac19 said...

Very nice cover art!! :-)

Joanne B said...

What books would we find on your bedside table?

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway. Looking forward to reading the book

Rebecca James said...

Looking forward to reading more of Chloe and Ryan!!! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sue! When I heard about the Naughty New Year event I knew it was perfect for another Ryan/Chloe scene! ;-)

Unknown said...

You're welcome, Megan! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Me too, Susan! Naughty New Year was just the excuse I needed to put a little more Ryan Douglas in my life!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Rebecca! Of all the characters I've written, Ryan and Chloe are my favorite. I love them so hard!

Unknown said...

Thank you! I swear my editor should've been a cover artist. She creates the best covers!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Nancy! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Glad you enjoyed the scene, Kim. Best of luck!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Erin! Glad you enjoyed Ryan & Chloe. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by to check out my scene and best of luck in the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Mary. Good luck!

Unknown said...

This is such a great question Joanne! At the moment I'm on a YA kick, so I'm looking forward to reading Red Queen...just as soon as I can finish my edits! My go-to, unputdownable authors are Sarah J. Maas, Tessa Bailey, Samanthe Beck, and Jennifer L. Arementrout.

jessiel said...

I enjoy reading sports romance. Looking forward to reading Ryan & Chloe's story.

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