
Review: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

I am so late to the party here when it comes to Hopeless by Colleen Hoover, but I am so glad that I read this book! My friend has been telling me to read this book for so long now, and I honestly just never got around to it. Now that I have read it though, I cannot believe how long it took me! This book is amazing, brilliant, and was so surprising. Colleen Hoover is a great writer, and I didn't expect this story to go the way it did at all. I know why so many people rave about this book now, and for anyone who hasn't read this one yet, you absolutely should!

Seventeen-year-old Sky is immediately drawn to Dean Holder, though she has no idea why. Their first meeting leaves her with more questions than answers, and he seems to have a well deserved reputation. Yet she also is unable to stay away from him, despite what she thinks she knows about him. But the more Sky and Holder get to know one another, the more Sky begins to realize that Holder isn't who she thinks he is at all. When the truth starts coming out and secrets are revealed, Sky soon realizes that her life will never be the same. 

I absolutely loved Holder! He is impossible not to fall for, and honestly I could go on and on about him. He is a great guy, caring and protective, patient and kind. This is the kind of guy that girls dream about having for a boyfriend, and oh how I wish he was real! He had moments where he struggled with anger and didn't handle himself the best, but I understood where he was coming from even if I didn't agree with how he acted. He was so great for Sky and I loved how he was with her. Sky was easy to like. She was different and complicated, and I loved that she was a bit odd. She was one of those characters that you just like right away. These two had such a strong connection, and it was unlike anything I have ever seen before. They had me swooning and I couldn't get enough of them. 

Overall, I really cannot say enough good things about this book and I feel as though I could just ramble on about these characters and the story forever but that the words would never do it justice. It was so good and honestly I won't ever forget this book. There were so many twists, and I didn't see any of them coming. This book was beautiful and heartbreaking, and completely unexpected. It was such an emotional read, and I found myself laughing out loud and crying on more than one occasion. This book is everything, and if you haven't read it yet, it is a must read. I might be late in reading this one, but I know that it will be one that I read many more times in the future. No one writes like Colleen Hoover, and I honestly can't wait to see what else she comes up with in the future.

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