
ARC Review: Teach Me by Sophie Holloway

Teach Me is the first installment in Sophie Holloway's Lessons in Seduction serial. Since it is the first part of three, it does end with a cliffhanger. 

Eva Fiorini has wanted Jack Bennett for years. As her older brother's best friends, they have always been strictly off-limits to each other. He is Manhattan's biggest player, and exactly the man she knows can help teach her about sex. Jack at first tries to fight his attraction to Eva, knowing that he promised her brother he would protect her. When it becomes more than he can resist, Jack gives in to feelings he hasn't allowed himself to feel. But when Eva starts to feel as though someone is watching her, it appears as though Jack will have to protect her from more than just himself. 

Though I did feel the attraction and chemistry between these two, I found myself wanting more. It was clear that they had known each other for years and had an easy relationship. They liked one another and had things in common. Yet, their entire relationship felt surface deep to me. I just wasn't really feeling any kind of depth here. They had some steamy moments together, but even with those I was left wanting. I am hoping that as this serial continues we get more, because I really do think that there is promise here. 

I also felt the same way when it came to the mystery/suspense portion of this story. It seemed that Eva brushed everything under the rug and not much was really explored here. My interest started to wane as this book continued because I just wasn't feeling like anything was happening. I kept waiting for something big to grab my attention and to really draw me in, but it just didn't happen. I am mildly curious as to where the story will go from here, but overall I just felt like this installment could have delivered so much more than it actually did. With a serial, the first installment has to really draw the reader in if you are expecting them to come back for the rest of the story with future installments, especially if you end each with a cliffhanger. But I had a tough time really caring much about what would happen after this installment since I really didn't feel invested in the characters or the story at the end of this one.

**ARC Provided by Gossip Girls PR**

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