
ARC Review: You're Still the One by Rachel Harris

You're Still the One is the first book in the new Country Blues series from Rachel Harris. This book is a standalone, and was every bit as cute as I was expecting from Rachel Harris. I have enjoyed every single book that I have read from her, and Charlie and Arabella's story was no different. 

Arabella Stone can't wait to be on her own for the summer and away from her overprotective dad. Everyone knows her as Nashville's darling with her father being a big time record label CEO. But she earned her internship on her own and is determined to make a name for herself without her dad's help. She is also ready to start crossing things off her bucket list, first item being to kiss the man she has been crushing on for years. Charlie Tucker is known for being the bad boy of country music, never sticking with a woman for long. But when he learns that the sexy kiss and run stranger he made out with at an event is none other than the daughter of his boss and his newest employee at the record studio he just bought, things get complicated quickly. As the two spend more time together and work on her bucket list, their feelings continue to grow. But both of them know that anything they could possibly have is temporary and will be over at the end of summer. 

I really liked these two. They were so cute together and I really liked seeing them get to know one another. Watching them cross items off Arabella's bucket list was so much fun, and I thought that these two were really good for one another. Charlie was known for being a playboy, yet he knew that Arabella was different. He tried to stop things from happening between them because he knew she was different, yet it was obvious that he couldn't fight what was growing between them. Arabella was a bit shy and adorably awkward at times, and I was glad that she wasn't an expert in seduction. She was so likable and endearing. These two were a great team, and I loved that they worked well together. They really had it all, and I was glad that Charlie was able to see that she was worth pursuing. 

Overall, this book was light and sweet and I really enjoyed reading it. It was refreshing and fun, and I highly recommend it. If you are looking for an NA or contemporary romance that is heartfelt and on the sweet side, you can't go wrong with anything from Rachel Harris.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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