
ARC Review: Indigo Nights by Louise Bay

I am a huge fan of Louise Bay's! With each new book of hers that comes out, she just solidifies herself as an auto-buy author for me and I know I will enjoy every book I read from her. I have to say though that Indigo Nights is my absolute favorite book of hers yet! It is so hard to pick between her books for me but after finishing Indigo Nights, Dylan and Beth are definitely my favorite couple of hers. While this book is a standalone, it is connected to What the Lightning Sees and Calling Me. 

Beth Harrison has used the years since becoming sober to find herself and start a career pursuing her passion for baking. So when she meets a sexy stranger at the airport, the last thing she expects is to start a relationship with everything else going on in her life. Dylan James knows that women want him for his money and power, and he is fine with that in exchange for sex. He keeps things casual and never sees a woman for long. But Beth Harrison is unlike any woman he has met before, and he can't get her off his mind after meeting her. With Beth living in London and Dylan living in Chicago, they know that things need stay casual, but what happens when feelings start to develop and it becomes more than just cake and orgasms? 

I absolutely loved these two! From their very first meeting I was hooked and it just got better as the story continued! The way that they met and things got started was so much fun to read about, and these two were so hot together! Dylan and Beth were so sexy I don't know how my kindle didn't burst into flames! The dirty talk between them was fantastic, and you could just feel the attraction between them. But I also really loved that these two could talk about everything right from the start, and Beth wasn't afraid to tell Dylan who she was and what she had been through. He was great for her, just as she was for him. These two had something so undeniable and special, and it was so great to see something different here with these two. 

Overall, this book was just fantastic. I finished it and immediately wanted to dive back in because I wasn't ready to be done with Dylan and Beth. These two were sexy and I enjoyed the steam between them, but I also loved how fun and flirty they could be too. Louise Bay had the perfect balance of sex, emotion, and romance here and I had a blast reading this book. I didn't want to put it down, yet wanted to savor each bit of it. I highly recommend any of Louise Bay's books, but this one should be at the top of your list! I know this will be one of those that I reread again in the future, and I already can't wait to go back and experience this story again!

**ARC Provided by Author**

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