
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Cindi Madsen

Cindi Madsen is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance and young adult novels. She sits at her computer every chance she gets, plotting, revising, and falling in love with her characters. Sometimes it makes her a crazy person. Without it, she’d be even crazier. She has way too many shoes, but can always find a reason to buy a pretty new pair, especially if they’re sparkly, colorful, or super tall. She loves music and dancing and wishes summer lasted all year long. She lives in Colorado (where summer is most definitely NOT all year long) with her husband and three children.

You can visit Cindi at:, where you can sign up for her newsletter to get all the up-to-date information on her books.

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I’m so happy to be here for the I’ve Got A Secret Event!

In Anatomy of a Player, there are more than a few secrets going on. Hudson’s keeping the fact that he’s made a bet about sleeping with the feisty new reporter a secret, Whitney’s undercover for the school paper, posing as a sports writer when her editor wants an expose on the perks jocks receive, and neither one is owning up to the fact that the more time they spend together, the more they realize there’s more to the other person than they originally thought. Not to mention that they’re starting to fall for each other, and that comes along with its own set of complications.

So what’s one of my secrets? I searched my brain to find just the right one to share. My love of Diet Mountain Dew and shoes is hardly a secret, so I had to dig deeper. You see, I sort of consider myself a connoisseur of music, if you will, and I pride myself on knowing small indie bands and having a great ear for cool new sounds. But I have some guilty pleasure music that I don’t often admit to. Bands and singers like…

*lowers my voice*
*motions you closer*

Phil Collins. My dad was a huge fan, and if “In the Air Tonight” comes on, you know I’m whipping out the thumb to sing into it. Oh, and the drum solo? I rock that air drum solo. Just saying.

Then there’s my Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez collection. I can’t help it. If I hear “We Can’t Stop” or “Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself” the volume gets cranked and the dance moves come out. And Kesha. Admittedly sometimes when I’m singing along to those lyrics, I even wonder at my taste in music a bit, but if it’s got a great dance beat, I’m all over that. And I might or might not have owned an N’Sync CD when they were in their hay day. (But we can all admit that Justin Timberlake is still really nice to look at & super funny on SNL-no secret there!)

So that’s it. If there’s a dance beat or even a rockin’ drum solo, I’ll be busting out the thumb, the air solos—be they guitar or drums—and the dance moves. And while I totally understand if you laugh at me, like the people who sometimes witness this phenomenon while I’m in my car do, I can always use a few friends to sing and dance along with me.

This bad boy is about to get played…

After getting her heart broken by a player again, Whitney Porter is done with men. She's focusing on her future career and her first assignment at the college newspaper: Posing as a sports writer for an exposé on the extra perks jocks receive. But Hudson Decker, the bad boy of the hockey team, is about to test her resolve. To keep herself from breaking her no-sex rule with the temptingly tattooed athlete, she decides to use him for a side project: Anatomy of a Player, to help Whitney—and women everywhere—spot a player, learn what makes him tick, and how to avoid falling for one.

With his life spiraling out of control, Hudson Decker's looking for a distraction. When his teammates bet him that he can't land the gorgeous but prickly new reporter, he accepts the challenge, boasting he'll have her in bed by the end of the semester. But Whitney is so much more than Hudson expected, and soon enough, he's in too deep. The last thing he needs is another complication, but staying away isn't an option. One thing's for certain: this girl totally throws him off his game.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Check out the Taking Shots series:

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Anatomy of a Player

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for Cindi.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Cindi Madsen for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mai T. said...

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

Marcy Meyer said...

Love your secret! I have an intense love of music too. All kinds of genres. There are definitely some guilty pleasure songs on my iPod, but I don't care. To each his own. The story for this book sounds great! Thanks for chance to read it!

Sue G. said...

I'm a big music fan also, country being my favorite. I've seen Phil Collins in concert and he is awesome! He did the soundtrack to the Disney movie Tarzan and even though my kids are all in college now, I still listen to it!

erin said...

My dirty music secret is... One Direction. I don't admit to it, but if they come on the radio and I'm by myself, I will crank it up and sing along :) thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Great post! Phil Collins is great!! �� Thanks for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I usually start after I take care of emails & such, around 10:30 and write as much as I can-with a quick lunch & social media break-until my kids get out of school. If I haven't hit my word count or page count goal yet, I do another hour or so.

Mary Preston said...

I'm a fan of Phil Collins myself.

Unknown said...

Yay, thanks! Yeah, I love music & have learned that if it makes me happy or makes me feel something, I'm gonna blast it regardless of the supposed cool factor :)

Unknown said...

That would be an awesome concert! And oh yeah, the Tarzan soundtrack! There was a bit of NSync in the mix too, if I remember right.

Unknown said...

My tween daughter got really into 1D & as much as I tried to resist, there's just something catchy about them :)

Unknown said...

Sure thing :)

Unknown said...

Yay! Apparently he's more popular than I realized. I guess it's good I outed myself. Lol

Joanne B said...

What kinds of books do you like to read when you're not writing? I enjoy Phil Collins.

Kim said...

I enjoy pop rock. I usually like specific songs by an artist & not their entire playlist.

Unknown said...

What genre do you like to read in your down time?

Mai T. said...
My tweet on 28th April.

Unknown said...

I switch it up depending on my mood. I love urban fantasy & contemporary romance, both YA & adult. I'm a sucker for friends to lovers & anything that makes me laugh & swoon is a total win.

Unknown said...

I remember the days of suffering through a cassette tape for one song. It's so nice to have playlists with all your fave songs nowadays.

Unknown said...

Everything from urban fantasy to paranormal to contemporary, YA through adult. Usually I read out of the genre I'm writing in just to keep it interesting :)

Unknown said...

Oooooh! Have you heard Fix by Chris Lane....omg drool!

Meredith said...

Do you have a tempting tattooed athlete that you are fond of?

Unknown said...

ooh, I'll go check it out! :)

Unknown said...

Since Tyler Seguin is the inspiration for Hudson in Anatomy of a Player, I'll go with him. He's very nice to look at :)

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