
ARC Review: Loving You by Kelly Elliott

Loving You is the conclusion to the Wanted, Broken, and Love Wanted in Texas series from Kelly Elliott. While I have been looking forward to this book for awhile now, I have also been dreading it. It is so bittersweet to get the conclusion to a favorite series, and while It was great to see so many familiar faces it was also really hard to say goodbye to this amazing world that Kelly Elliott has created. 

Taylor Atwood and Jase Morris knew the moment that they met that there was something special between them. But Jase pushed Taylor away at every opportunity because he never believed that he was good enough for her and there were things that he was scared would ruin them before they ever got started. Just as they finally seem to have found a way to be together though, tragedy strikes threatening to tear apart the future they were planning together. 

I really loved these two. I will admit that I was a little annoyed with Jase at the beginning of this story. I wanted to shake him for doing some of the dumb things he did. But he is a typical guy and they sometimes do really stupid things. Luckily though, he was able to come back from that and he won me over as he did with Taylor. I never once questioned the feelings these two had for one another. Though they had obstacles and both did some things that I didn't like, their feelings for each other were so genuine. They had such a strong connection and the chemistry between them just made things that much more intense between them. They were smoking hot together, and I loved that Jase was so great with Taylor. He was really sweet and I couldn't get enough of them together. 

I will say that things tend to be a bit on the cheesy side at times with Kelly Elliott's books, and Loving You was no exception. Luckily for me that isn't a deal breaker, and I actually enjoy a bit of that. There were a few times that it felt a bit much though, and I think if you don't care for super sweet romance stories that it could be a bit of an issue at times with her books. I love the emotion she brings to her stories though, and her heroes are so sweet they will make you swoon. I am definitely excited to see what Kelly Elliott has in store next, and I look forward to reading more from her in the future. Though I am sad that this was the conclusion to such a great group of characters, I know I will reread these books over and over again in the future. If you haven't read the Wanted, Broken, and Love Wanted in Texas series they are definitely worth looking into for fans of contemporary and NA romance. If you have read some of all of these books though, this book is a must read.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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