
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Laura Kaye

Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty books in contemporary and paranormal romance and romantic suspense, including the Hard Ink and upcoming Raven Riders series. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

I’m super excited to be here at RFTC today to talk about secrets, because my new book releasing next week is full of them! In fact, secrets and trust are two of the themes of the book. Ride Hard is the first book in my new Raven Riders series, a spin-off of my Hard Ink series. The Raven Riders are a new kind of motorcycle club with a protective mission. Secrets are such a big part of the story that I even wrote Ride Hard to a song called “Skeletons” which has the lyrics:

Brick by brick I built this wall
I shut you out to break the fall
I will shed my sins
I’ll show you my skeletons
One by one we cast our stones
Flesh and blood and broken bones
Burn away the sins
We all have our skeletons

Ride Hard tells the story of Haven Randall and her best friend, Cora Campbell, who find themselves at the compound of the Raven Riders’ Motorcycle Club after being rescued from a gang. With Cora’s help, Haven ran away from her controlling criminal father and a looming arranged marriage, and though she knows the Ravens are helping them, she struggles to trust the Ravens and their leader, Dare Kenyon—or why he would put so much at risk to help her hide from her father.

But what the very sheltered Haven doesn’t know is that her best friend also has a secret. Haven isn’t the only one who ran away from a bad situation. Cora has been hiding the circumstances that made her want to run because her best friend’s life was so much worse and because, quite frankly, Cora wasn’t ready to admit what she’d been going through. But Cora’s secrets will all come to light in the third book in the Raven Riders’ series—and it’ll make for some powerful scenes between Cora and Haven and between Cora and her hero. And just who will Cora’s hero be? Well, I guess I’ll share that secret, too! Let’s just say he’s probably the most tortured character in the Raven Riders series – a widowed father of two young boys named Sam “Slider” Evans. And guys, I cannot wait to write their story!!

So there are a couple of insider secrets for you about my new series! I hope you’ll check out the book, grab the bonus story offer I have going until April 30, and join my Facebook party celebrating the release!

Thanks for reading!
Laura Kaye

Join Laura's Ride Hard FB Party on 4/26!

Get a bonus story for grabbing Ride Hard (U.S.) by 4/30

Brotherhood. Club. Family.
They live and ride by their own rules.
These are the Raven Riders…

Raven Riders Motorcycle Club President Dare Kenyon rides hard and values loyalty above all else. He’ll do anything to protect the brotherhood of bikers—the only family he’s got—as well as those who can’t defend themselves. So when mistrustful Haven Randall lands on the club’s doorstep scared that she’s being hunted, Dare takes her in, swears to keep her safe, and pushes to learn the secrets overshadowing her pretty smile.

Haven fled from years of abuse at the hands of her criminal father and is suspicious of any man’s promises, including those of the darkly sexy and overwhelmingly intense Ravens’ leader. But as the powerful attraction between them flares to life, Dare pushes her boundaries and tempts her to want things she never thought she could.

The past never dies without a fight, but Dare Kenyon’s never backed down before…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Check out the Raven Riders series:

Up for Grabs:
  • 2 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for Laura.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Laura Kaye for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mai T. said...

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

Sue G. said...

Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle? Love the cover by the way!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

Unknown said...

What genre do you like to read in your down time? Thanks for the giveaway!

Marcy Meyer said...

I love you Laura! Hearts in Darkness is one of my most favorite books! I have loved the Hard Ink series so much, as well. Easy is my man. I am really looking forward to this new series. What has been your favorite part about writing about bikers?

kim hansen said...

Sounds like a good read.

Rita Wray said...

Sounds good, I can't wait to read it.

Meljprincess said...

Hi Laura,
Can't wait to start the 'Raven Riders' series! Having fun entering your contests on FB. Love me some HARD INK. ;-)

Michele Hayes said...

Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win.

Raonaid Luckwell said...

What is your favorite Harley?

Kim said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Megan1520 said...

I'm so excited to hear that Slider will be Cora's man! Can't wait to see her interact more with him and the boys! Enjoyed Ride Hard so much! 😘

MrsMac19 said...

Can't wait to start this new series!

Victoria said...

Thank you for the great giveaway. I love your books.

Anonymous said...

I love your books!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your books!!!!

JenM said...

Best wishes on your new release. I just picked up Love in the Light and I'm really looking forward to reading it.

Di said...

I'd love to have a water view!!

AmandaStar said...

I'm looking forward to this series! :)

Mary Preston said...

Loving the cover.

Pamk said...

Love that cover. That red really pops. Thanks for the giveaway

Carol L. said...

Love the cover. I can't wait to start the new series. I loved the Hard Ink series.I know the new series will be as great as the Hard Ink wad.

Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Love the cover. I can't wait to start the new series. I loved the Hard Ink series.I know the new series will be as great as the Hard Ink wad.

Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Glenda said...

Any plans for any more historical novels?

Karen H said...

You're a new-to-me author. I enjoyed reading about you and your books.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

When starting a brand new, hope and with fingers and toes crossed book series, how does one come up with the main characters for the series? Is it a realy fantasy for the author or is it you have the story and work the main characters into the plot?
Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Vanessa N. said...

This series sounds great. Awesome covers.

Laura Kaye said...

Mostly, I don't outline, though I will jot down notes as I sit down to write a chapter, etc. I enjoy seeing where the story will take me without planning it all out.

Laura Kaye said...

I love the cover too! Thank you! And no I haven't! :D

Laura Kaye said...

I love contemporary romance, erotic romance, paranormal (especially vampires), and Scottish highlander historical romance :)

Laura Kaye said...

Aw thank you so much Marcy! Favorite thing about the Ravens so far is the brotherhood between them. I especially liked writing Dare and Maverick's interactions!

Laura Kaye said...

I like the Night Rod Special

Laura Kaye said...

eeeeep so glad you liked the book and that little reveal!

Laura Kaye said...

Thanks so much Karen!

Laura Kaye said...

Yes! :) MY DEAR HAMILTON, about Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, will be out in late 2017 or early 2018!

Laura Kaye said...

I'm not always sure I know where the characters come from - sometimes they just appear in my head and I have to figure out what their story is. For the Ravens though, I had the benefit of already having them in the Hard Ink series, so I had a window into them from that already... For me, characters always come first.

Laura Kaye said...

Thanks so much for all the awesome comments, everyone!

Linda Henderson said...

I love all your books and I have this one on order, in paperback. So unfortunately I won't get it tomorrow but I should have it by the weekend. YAH!!

Joanne B said...

This new series sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. What kinds of books do you like to read?

Meredith said...

Thanks for the insight into your new series! I've only read one other "biker" book, and it wasn't a favorite, but yours still sounds so good!

Amy Friedentag said...

Can't wait to read Ride Hard! Love the cover!

Laura Kaye said...

I enjoy contemporary romance, erotic romance, Scottish highlanders, and paranormal - especially vampires! :)

Laura Kaye said...

Thank you!

MsAwesome said...

You're the author that made me fall for "inked" men ;) Love your books and your covers!

angelgirl2007 said...

Hey Laura! OMG, I cannot wait to read this. I have few I MUST read first *commitment issues* Lol and then... I'm diving headfirst into this. I'd love to ask you though...what's been the toughest story for you so far to write? Which one felt like it tore off a hunk of your heart and soul and laid it out the page? My writing is such a process for me. I always wonder how it affects others. #curiositykillsthiscat Lol 😙❤

angelgirl2007 said...

Hey Laura! OMG, I cannot wait to read this. I have few I MUST read first *commitment issues* Lol and then... I'm diving headfirst into this. I'd love to ask you though...what's been the toughest story for you so far to write? Which one felt like it tore off a hunk of your heart and soul and laid it out the page? My writing is such a process for me. I always wonder how it affects others. #curiositykillsthiscat Lol 😙❤

Unknown said...

Were you reading a book while writing this book?

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