
ARC Review: New Blue by Jules Barnard

New Blue is the fifth and final book in the Blue series by Jules Barnard. Don't worry about jumping in here if you haven't read the previous books as they can easily be read out of order. I have enjoyed this series a lot, and New Blue was no exception. Even if I hadn't read previous books in this series, the blurb was one that would have convinced me to read it. If you haven't read this series yet, I would definitely recommend giving it a shot. 

Hayden has returned to Lake Tahoe after leaving at sixteen due to her devastating past. Back with a confidence she didn't have before, she is determined to find success at Blue Casino. Adam Cade appears to be the exact type of privileged man that she is ready to stand up to, but Adam is also dealing with more than most would see at first glance. Soon Adam must decide whether his job and the chance for freedom from his father is more important than supporting the girl that is quickly getting under his skin and capturing his heart.

I really liked both Hayden and Adam. Each of them had so many layers to them, and I really felt like Jules Barnard did a great job developing them. Adam is struggling with wanting to be independent and break out from being under his father's thumb. He is used to living a life of leisure and the perks that come with being a child of privilege. But for the first time he is learning that there is more to life and I think Hayden had so much to do with him starting to really grow up and mature here. She was a great influence on him, and I really liked seeing her fun side brought out with Adam. Hayden had a new confidence and strength after all she had been through and I really liked her determination. These two had great chemistry and I enjoyed them together so much. 

I will say that there were times that I felt like there was a lot of outside influence on their relationship, and I didn't really care for that at times. While it was great to see other characters here, I would have preferred them not becoming so involved as they sometimes did here. But this was still a really great conclusion to this series and I have enjoyed each of these books. I know that I will definitely be looking for more from Jules Barnard in the future, and I think if you like NA/Contemporary stories that this series is definitely one worth checking out.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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