
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Robin Bielman

USA Today Bestselling Author Robin Bielman lives in Southern California with her high school sweetheart husband, two sons, and one crazy-cute dog who loves to chew on everyone’s socks. When not attached to her laptop, she can almost always be found with her nose in a book. She also likes to run, hike, eat cupcakes, and dip her toes in the ocean. Writing is a dream come true, and she still pinches herself to be sure it’s real.

She loves to connect with readers. Learn more and sign up for her newsletter on her website at

Hi everyone! Happy 5th Bloggerversary to Danielle and RFTC!

Before I get to my secret, I’m kind of bursting to share some good news – today is release day for my bachelor auction book, FALLING FOR HER BACHELOR! In the book, my hero, Nick, goes on the auction block for a good cause and when his sister’s best friend, Cassidy, wins his weekend date, well, things get complicated. Sexy complicated. Emotional complicated. And coincidentally, both Nick and Cassidy share secrets with one another—secrets that bring them closer, but also threaten to tear them apart.

I’ve got a secret to share with you today with regards to my own hero. (It’s a good thing my mom doesn’t read blogs or I would be tightlipped here. Even after all these years, I haven’t told her!) In fact, very few people know about this, but you guys can keep a secret, right?

I met my hubby in high school. He was two years ahead of me in school and went to college 2 ½ hours away. One of my best friends was dating his roommate and her parents let her go down to visit him all the time. Did mine? Nope. Even though they really liked my boyfriend, they were having no part of sleepovers. So, really, they left me no choice. I had to do something I didn’t want to do! I lied. I said I was sleeping over at my friend’s house for the weekend (she lived 30 minutes away) and we drove to spend the weekend with our boyfriends.

This happened numerous times.

I know! Terrible of me. But I did marry him, so I’ve decided that cancels out my dishonesty. Shh… don’t tell me it doesn’t. Plus, my friend’s parents knew where we were, so I told myself I wasn’t totally sneaking away.

Ahem. Back to Nick and Cassidy… their secrets go much deeper than mine and there is no lying involved. Cass does bluff a little, around auction time, but it’s because Nick leaves her a slightly uneasy. I mean, who could stay calm and cool around this guy?

So here’s what I want to know…what is your dream auction buy? Is it dinner with a celebrity? A trip to Australia? Let me know in the comments!

When Navy firefighter Nick Palotay returns to Marietta to go on the bachelor auction block for a good cause, he expects it to be risk free. But when he needs someone safe to bid on him and his sister's best friend is coaxed into stepping up, Nick isn't prepared for the effect Cassidy has on him. She sends his mind to all kinds of dirty places…places his battered heart can't afford.

Freelance photographer Cassidy Ware is in waaay over her head. She's always been Nick's other little sister, but she's all grown up now and just a glance from him leaves her hot and bothered. Still, she can stay immune to his charms and keep him at an emotional distance because she's got an agenda, too. She'll help the too-handsome Nick with his charitable deed, and, in return, he'll help her keep an unwelcome suitor at bay.

A deal's a deal, but when their "business transaction" turns into more pleasure than duty, can they walk away from each other without losing what matters most?

Purchase: | Amazon | iTunes | Kobo |

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Choice from Backlist

To Enter:
  • What is your dream auction buy?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Robin Bielman for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mai T. said...

A penthouse is my ultimate dream!

Sue G. said...

A dinner with my favorite authors all together!

erin said...

a house with a finished library room :) thanks for sharing!

Cheryl Hastings said...

A farmhouse with a huge porch

Joanne B said...

A mint condition Shelby Mustang.

K Angeles said...

A fully stocked library.

Mary Preston said...

A castle complete with staff.

dstoutholcomb said...

dinner with a celebrity sounds fun


Unknown said...

I'd love to attend an auction for a dinner, basketball game (court side), and signing by the OKC Thunder!

Landslide said...

Chris Evans!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Mai! That sounds good to me!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Sue! Love that answer! I would like that, too! :)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Erin! Oh my gosh, that's my dream! One day...

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Cheryl! Love this, too. I'm picturing a swing on that porch, right?

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Joanne! A car lover! Do you like to drive fast? My hubby often calls me Mario Andretti. ;)

Robin Bielman said...

Hi K! Yes, please!!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Mary! How fun would that be? You guys have all got me dreaming now!

Robin Bielman said...

I'd like that, too! I get all tongue-tied when I see a celebrity and have lots of favorites!

Robin Bielman said...

Hey, Jennifer! That sounds doable. Fingers crossed you get the chance one day!

Robin Bielman said...

Hi Angela! Count me as a Chris Evans fan, too!

Robin Bielman said...

Thanks so much for the comments, everyone! And thanks again for having me, Dani! xoxo

Jen B. said...

I'm swinging for the fences here....I would love to win a trip around the world with people to wait on me and take care of everything. I mean even maintaining my house, paying my bills....all of it. One year of travelling the world without the real world getting in the way of relaxing.

MrsMac19 said...

I'd love to win an auction for a beautiful house!

Meredith said...

I'd love a fancy piece of jewelry or art!

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