
ARC Review: Reunion Pass by Emily March

Reunion Pass is book 11 in the Eternity Springs series, and for most fans of the series we have been waiting for this story almost from the very beginning of the series. This one isn’t as dark as some of her others but just as emotional; at about 30% of the way into it I was already teary eyed. Part of why I love Emily March is how she writes her active setting, Eternity Springs is written so well it almost seems to come to life as well as the people who live there. But mainly the reason I love them is that each book is an emotional journey to healing and love; in Chase and Lori’s case a second chance at love. Chase broke my heart in one of the previous books when he announced that he was getting engaged to another woman. From the beginning those two seemed inseparable and unbeknownst to everyone else they were in a very committed relationship. But life happens and as much as they loved each other their paths drifted. This book, their journey to finding each other again, is heartfelt and funny and as always Celeste is at her best.

The book starts off six years ago, when Lori and Chase are happy but this one event marks the pivotal point in their lives where they start to drift. Back to present day and the wedding of Chase and Lana’s wedding is quickly approaching when the chance of a life time comes up and the reality t.v. show that Chase and Lana are in gets prioritized and the wedding is postponed. Chase should have listened to his mother as soon as they get to the tiny country surrounded by waring nations he gets a bad feeling. Chase goes missing for over a week, almost two. When he comes back everything is changed, he is suffering from survivors guilt and mild case of PTSD. He closes himself off from everyone.

Lori, no matter how much she tried to convince herself she was no longer in love with Chase still loved him. When Chase was missing she final confessed everything to her mother about their relationship and how she still loved him and how it felt like he gave up on her. Lori was ready to step aside and just let Lana and Chase be happy but when Chase came back Lana and Chase ended things. Caitlyn, Chase’s sister asks Lori to help since she knows him better than anybody and the way Chase has been acting he needed a dose of hard love not the coddling his mother has been giving him; Lori is just the one to give it to him. Lori starts off with getting him a dog. Mac, Chase’s Dad, helps by giving him a purpose. And with some soul searching Chase finally works it out.

Overall, this is a must read for Eternity Spring fans. The book despite being slightly under 350 pages is easy to read, I inhaled it. It also could be read as a stand-alone, so if you haven’t read any of the series yet there is no problems starting with this one, but the past cast is so large some parts of the story might feel like you are missing out on something, but nothing really pivotal to the story line. There are a several flashbacks that help fill in information from their past but most of it is new information even for people who have read every book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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