
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Layla Hagen

I fell in love with books when I was nine years old, and my love affair with stories continues even now, many years later. I write romantic stories and can’t wait to share them with the world. And I drink coffee. Lots of it. 

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It’s an honor to be here today. Before I let you in on my (slightly embarrassing) secret, I wanted to let you know that today is a release day for me. My contemporary romance Your Captivating Love is live! This is the second book in The Bennett Family series, but it can be read as a standalone. Each book will tell the journey of a different Bennett sibling in finding their happily ever after.

A word of caution: the Bennetts are a tight-knit family that like to meddle in each other’s business and you will fall in love with them.

Now, onto my secret =)

For some reason, I am super inspired to write in airports and airplanes. Trains too, but mostly planes. Now, I have motion sickness, so *actually* traveling is a chore for me. But when the muse strikes, I whip out my pen and notebook (I always carry a notebook with me) and get to work. Occasionally, I even take out my laptop and start typing.

On one such occasion, I had an inspiration for a super steamy scene. Like, SUPER steamy. So naturally I started typing furiously, very pleased with my sudden stroke of inspiration. When I’m in *writer* mode I tend to shut off the world around me. Except, you know, in a plane it’s kind of closed quarters. I was midway through the aforementioned steamy scene when I looked up from my laptop to realize my neighbour (a stranger) was red in the face, reading every word I was typing.

Needless to say, I closed my laptop and spent the rest of the flight wishing I were invisible. Unfortunately, I haven’t learned my lesson, so I’m practically begging for another *accident* to happen. But when the muse strikes, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.

Logan Bennett knows his priorities. He is loyal to his family and his company. He has no time for love, and no desire for it. Not after a disastrous engagement left him brokenhearted. When Nadine enters his life, she turns everything upside down.

She’s sexy, funny, and utterly captivating. She’s also more stubborn than anyone he’s met…including himself.

Nadine Hawthorne is finally pursuing her dream: opening her own clothing shop. After working so hard to get here, she needs to concentrate on her new business, and can’t afford distractions. Not even if they come in the form of Logan Bennett. He’s handsome, charming, and doesn’t take no for an answer. After bitter disappointments, Nadine doesn’t believe in love. But being around Logan is addicting. It doesn’t help that Logan’s family is scheming to bring them together at every turn.

Their attraction is sizzling, their connection undeniable. Slowly, Logan wins her over. What starts out as a fling, soon spirals into much more than they are prepared for.

When a mistake threatens to tear them apart, will they have the strength to hold on to each other?

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Check out the Bennett Family series:

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Your Irresistible Love and Your Captivating Love 

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for Layla.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Layla Hagen for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mai T. said...

Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it?

Marcy Meyer said...

Love your 'secret'! Too funny! I can only imagine the horror, because sometimes I feel that way when I'm reading a sexy scene like that with someone close by. It would be WAY worse if I was the one writing it. lol

Sue G. said...

That's a funny secret. If I had been next to you reading, I'd have told you go keep writing that I was enjoying it! ;)

Kim said...

Congratulations on the new release.

Joanne B said...

Congrats on the new release. Great story with your "secret". When not writing, what kinds of books do you like to read?

Landslide said...

I love your covers!

Unknown said...

What genre do you like to read when relaxing?

Mary Preston said...

They should not have been reading over your shoulder - too funny.

MrsMac19 said...

Both look great! :-)

Meredith said...

Sounds like a great book! I love that you like to be in an airport or traveling to write! And people should really mind their own business!

Vanessa N. said...

Great snippet. Can't wait to read this series.

KateS said...

Are there gonna be more books in this series?

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