
ARC Review: Slow & Steady by Kendall Ryan

Slow & Steady is the second standalone story in the Alphas Undone series from Kendall Ryan. This book was quick and sweet, and there was a lot to enjoy here. I did have a few things that kept me from absolutely loving this story, but overall it was a decent book. 

Looking to forget about everything about his horrible day, Greyson Archer heads to the local strip club for a night out. The last thing he expects is to find out that the gorgeous woman on stage is someone he knows! He last saw Finley at her husbands funeral when she was pregnant and telling him how Marcus's death was all his fault. Determined to do whatever he can to help her now, Grey tries to offer his support, but Finley wants nothing to do with him. But Grey isn't willing to take no for an answer and will do whatever it takes to help out her and her daughter. But when helping out his friend's widow and daughter turns into more, can he convince her to let him in? 

I liked Finley and Greyson. Grey was a great guy, protective and sweet. He was really thoughtful and I loved how he was with Maple right from the start. He wanted to help Finley, but he also knew how strong and capable she was. He didn't try to do everything for her, but rather wanted to do everything he could to help her at her side and I absolutely loved that about him. Finley was strong and her daughter was her top priority. I did have a few issues with her and her stubbornness in this story, and there were a few times that I just wanted to shake her. But I did like her and was glad to see her begin to realize that Grey was the real deal. 

Unfortunately my biggest issue here was that this story was so short, that I felt things weren't given time to fully develop. It didn't feel as though things were fully fleshed out, and I really think that was because of the length. There just wasn't time to do this story or the characters justice. The suspense plot felt a bit contrived. It left me feeling as though Kendall Ryan's heart wasn't fully in this story and was just trying to force things along in the limited amount of pages here. Things were too easily resolved and quickly forgotten, seemingly done to situate Finley and Greyson properly for the ending. Things were just too predictable and run of the mill here. I didn't really feel like there was anything new or different about this one, even though I did like it. But we have all read the story of the single mom becoming a stripper to support her kid and putting up a wall to keep anyone else from ever hurting her again. Same with the suspense plot, even though I won't go into that so as not to spoil it, but suffice it to say I saw that one coming a mile away. Overall, this was a good book and one that went really fast. If you are looking for a quick contemporary read, you might give this one a shot. But if you are looking for something with some depth to it, this one might not be for you.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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