
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Cynthia Eden

Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller.  Cynthia is also a three-time finalist for the prestigious RITA® award. Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over fifty novels and novellas.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate.  Her favorite hobbies including hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

Not many people realize my problem…but I’ve got a secret. Maybe it’s one that you share? I hope so, because I don’t like to be alone with this addiction.
I’m a book hoarder.

I have been…for over twenty years. I used to keep all of my books on the shelves in my room—and then I had to take out the clothes and put all of the books in my closet. It wasn’t long before that closet was overflowing, too. Books that I’d collected so very carefully over the years. At one point, I had every single title in the Harlequin Nocturne series (I was such a fan). I had every classic Jayne Ann Krentz book—including all the titles she’d written as Jayne Castle (anyone else read the old Guinevere Jones books?).

I kept all of my books—hoarding them much like Gollum because, oh, yes, they were precious. But then I had to move. Hours and hours and boxes and boxes later…the books moved with me.

And then I moved again. With the second move, I realized that I just didn’t have a space for all those books (I counted them at the time and had over 3000 books. Yes, I love my romances.) So I donated most of the books…and I sobbed a lot on the inside.

But then…sweet baby sunshine…I got hooked on ebooks. Oh, lovely ebooks. Now, I can keep hoarding my books on my Kindle or on my iPad, and they don’t take up any space. No one has to know just how many books I’ve got stored there—books that I’ve read, books that I intend to read. My addiction gets to continue!

What about you? Do you have a giant, secret stash of books? Go ahead, tell me about your addiction. I’d love to hear that I’m not alone!

And…to add to the book fun…I’ve got three copies of my sexy romantic suspense, SHATTERED, that I would love to giveaway to random commenters. The winners can choose—print or digital copies. Good luck!

In New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden's latest novel featuring the Last Option Search Team (LOST), one agent is forced to face her past as she uncovers secrets about the man who may be the key to her future.

Criminal psychologist Dr. Sarah Jacobs is all too familiar with the kind of bad boys who belong behind bars. But the dark, dangerous man she meets in the New Orleans underworld is a new kind of ruthless, and all too irresistible.

Jax Fontaine doesn't claim to be a good guy, but he's loyal to his own code and brutally honest about what he wants. He and Sarah may be worlds apart, but when they're skin to skin, nothing matters but the heat between them.

And when a deranged killer targets Sarah, Jax will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

Purchase: | Amazon | KindleB&N | Google Play | iTunes | Kobo |

Check out the Lost series: 

Up for Grabs:
  • 3 copies of Shattered (choice of eBook or print)

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for Cynthia.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Cynthia Eden for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mai T. said...

How do you feel about ebooks vs. print books and alternative vs. conventional publishing?

Unknown said...

I do love reading! I am am a book hoarder both print and ebook.

Sue G. said...

Fun looking covers! Like the dark look with the pop of color.

erin said...

oooh... this looks and sounds awesome :) thanks for sharing!

Carol L. said...

How did I miss this series. Definitely going to start reading. Thanks for posting and sharing.I'd love a print copy.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

How did I miss this series. Definitely going to start reading. Thanks for posting and sharing.I'd love a print copy.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Cynthia Eden said...

Mai, I buy most of my books in ebook form now--it's easier for me to have a ton of books on my ereader because I ran out of room at home! But, I still like to get certain books in print form--those "keepers" that I have put on my shelves. As far as alternative vs. traditional publishing...I am hybrid. I publish some titles with NY but I also indie publish many of my books. I like the freedom that indie publishing can give to me.

Cynthia Eden said...

;) Always great to chat with another book hoarder!

Cynthia Eden said...

Thank you!

Cynthia Eden said...

Thank you, Erin!

Victoria said...

I don't have a secret stash of books, just ask my husband, they're everywhere ;). Yes, I am a book hoarder. I seriously have to part with some soon. How traumatic was it for you when you passed your books along?

Natasha Persaud said...

I don't really have a lot of print books because of space capacity I mostly read on my kindle I have hundreds of books on it

Cynthia Eden said...

I am still recovering, Victoria!! Sometimes, I have this random flash of a scene from a really old book--and so I want to go back and read that book right then. But with my stash gone...I can't!

Anonymous said...

I love this series!! Thanks for the contest!!

Martha Lawson said...

Yes, I am a hoarder also!! I don't have 3000 physical books but I have about 800-900 (that may be on the low side!!) I am also trying to buy books only for the kindle, I've already wore out two. Love this series, it's great.

Jess1 said...

I definitely hoard books especially when I discovered eBooks. I have a hoard on my laptop/USB drive that is still waiting for reading.

Joanne B said...

I do have a secret stash of books. Everyone thinks there are clothes in my chest of drawers, but it's books, lots and lots of books. I also have two Kindles that are full to capacity.

Blue Falcon said...

I am both a print and ebook hoarder. I have several hundred paperbacks, a few hardcovers and over 1,000 ebooks. I don't have space to keep them all and I occasionally throw a few out, but I add to my totals on a daily basis with all of the free ebook sites there are.

Mary Preston said...

I hoard books too. Welcome to the club.

MsAwesome said...

It's not so much a secret because everyone that knows me knows my addiction for shoes and books. I just can't help it! ;)

Glenda said...

Book hoarder? I don't think it counts when books are digital.... so my multi-thousand ebook collection doesn't count as hoarding. Right?? ;-)

Jen B. said...

A few months ago I would have told you I had a giant secret book stash but I forced myself to pull out all of them (from multiple locations around the house) and put them all in one place. I have gotten rid of 7 boxes of books and I am working on 2 more. Now my ebook collection....don't get me started on the 10 years it would take to get through all of them. Just don't even ask. I figure that's a step for another day.

becky jean said...

Thank you for the contest!

Bube said...

Yep,I'm book hoarder :D both print and digital books,but I love them all :)

Meredith said...

I'm a book hoarder and everyone knows it. I usually give them away once I've read them though.

Vanessa N. said...

I love books too but with ebooks I can save space. But sometimes I just have to have an actual book to read.

miki said...

i love a good romance suspense so far i only tried your paranormal romance so i'm really curious about these ones

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