
ARC Review: 'Til Death Do Us Part by Amanda Quick

When asked to describe this book the first thing that comes to mind is Sherlock Holmes-esk Victorian Gothic Romance. It may seem a little darker than her past books but it was great read. It was very reminiscent of her older series, Lake/March. Like with the Lake/March series the focus is mainly on the the mystery and there is always a good twist or two. I enjoyed it because it wasn't so cut and dry, it was several mini mysterious complied in to one. As soon as they solved one it had everyone thinking well if they didn't do it it who did? And so the story continues. I have been a fan of Amanda Quick/ Jayne Ann Krantz/ Jayne Castle for going on ten years and as much as I love the Arcane Society I'm glad she had decided to keep it in the Jayne Castle Futuristic setting. ‘Till Death Do Us Part is a fantastic Victorian Mystery and I hope to see more like this in the future.

Calista Langley has a very unusual business, she is in the Introductions business. She brings like minded individuals, people who are lonely and have trust issues afraid of fortune hunters together. She introduces them to people they might never have met otherwise. She is smart about it, her brother looks into everyone; they do a background check basically. She is very select about her clients so when one of her very good clients recommends her brother Calista doesn't think anything about it especially since the brother is none other than the famous mystery writer, Trent Hastings.

Trent Hastings is protective over his siblings, he makes the appointment with Miss Langley to make sure she isn't trying to con his sister. Trent is immediately fascinated by the woman. Even after she kicks him out of her office and after his sister gets on to him about what he just did and even when he is trying to write he is still thinking about Calista. But when Trent goes back to apologize what he finds is a mystery worthy of his main character, Clive Stone.

Calista is at her wits end, someone has been leaving death momentos with her initials. Even worse is that someone managed to sneak into the house and leave one on her pillow. When Calista receives her third, a coffin bell, she is terrified. Trent is quick to take matters into his own hands and with the insistence of Calista together the begin to solve this mystery. Calista and Trent together just makes sense; they are opposites attract in obvious appearance but when you find out more about them they have more in common then they think.

Overall, I loved this book, everything about it I loved. I really hope she writes more like this.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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