
RFTC I've Got a Secret Event with Author Lia Riley

Lia Riley writes contemporary romance for Grand Central/Forever and Avon Impulse. She's been published in four languages and received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly. USA Today has called her work "refreshing" and RT says she is "sizzling and heartfelt." Her next series Everland, Georgia will begin releasing April 2007 with It Happened on Love Street. Learn more at or say hi at

Secrets. We've all got 'em.

Here's one of mine:

I dread my book releases.

I know. It's weird. I'm an author. I want people to read my books. I don't write in a bubble. I write for readers, people I've never met (and will mostly never meet). So what's the big deal? I can't say for sure. Stage fright maybe? Plus it's hard to be out there tap-dancing and self-promoting. There's a reason why I've chosen to write books. It's awesome to hide out behind a laptop. Here I'm god of my own little world. If I need a snappy comeback, I've got as much time as I need to come up with one. Characters maybe difficult and uncooperative, but at the end of the day, I'm free to muck around without anyone watching or judging.

But eventually, the curtain pulls back and each time it's nerve-wracking. I have to be like HERE IS THE THING THAT I MADE and it's uncomfortable and vulnerable.

I want people to read my books. I really, really want that. But it's also scary.

But then it's good to get scared. That means I'm pushing my comfort zone and that's always a good thing, right?

Right :)


At the ends of the earth, Patagonia is a land where ambition trumps reason and the savage summit of La Aguja lures the most determined climbers. It's also the last spot a "play-it-safe girl" like Auden Woods expects to find herself. But she'll lace up her brand-new hiking boots and do whatever it takes to secure a dream job at an adventure magazine . . . even if it kills her. And it just might. When disaster strikes, her only chance at survival comes in the form of the surliest, sexiest mountaineer ever to come out of Scotland.

After a climbing accident cost him his brother, professional mountaineer Rhys MacAskill is at the end of his rope. Redemption is not in his future. That is, until a terrifying storm blows a budding journalist into his tent and it's up to him to make sure they both survive until morning. Despite the demons weighing on him, Rhys can't resist the temptation of the charming American and one wild night just isn't enough.

Auden and Rhys soon learn there are no shortcuts as they navigate their way between life, death, and atonement, and discover something they never expected—love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of With Every Breath

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  • Please leave a comment or question for Lia.
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**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Lia Riley for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

I've heard the same thing from other authors that they are so nervous if people are going to like their new release that it just makes them ill.

erin said...

this looks and sounds awesome! thanks for sharing!

Marcy Meyer said...

I can only imagine how scared and nervous I would be if I were an author on release day. I would think it is like opening up a window to yourself, exposing your inner thoughts and secrets to the whole world. Thanks for the giveaway chance. I would love to read your book!

Mai T. said...

How does your book relate to your spiritual practice or other life path?

Natasha Persaud said...

What is the one advise that you have received, if any, with regards to your writing career that has helped you through the times when you're feeling down?

Linda Romer said...

Hello Lia, With Every Breath sounds great ♡ Looking forward to reading this book. Thank you

Mary Preston said...

A book release would be scary I think.

Jen B. said...

I'm not surprised that you dread your book releases. It must be like asking a bunch of strangers to like you, to really, really like you!

Joanne B said...

Sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. What kinds of books do you like to read?

Meredith said...

Pushing the comfort zone is good. For me, just putting the pen to paper gives me the feeling of pushing it!

Unknown said...

You had me at Scotland lol

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