
ARC Review: The Hidden Life by Erin Noelle

The Hidden Life is a spin-off novella of Erin Noelle's book The Perfect Life. This is not intended to be a standalone and should only be read if you have already read The Perfect Life. The Hidden Life is Seth's story. On the outside it looks like Seth has a pretty perfect life. He has a great job and his best friend Colin is a famous quarterback playing for the New England Patriots. But there are only a few people that know that his playboy facade actually hides the life he truly desires. Torn between the life he leads and the life he wants, Seth must decide if he can keep pretending for the public when the only life he really wants is the one that can never be revealed. 

I was so excited when I found out that Erin Noelle was writing more in this world after I read The Perfect Life. I couldn't get enough of Seth, Colin, and Monroe, and I was dying to see more of Seth! It was so great to get more of his backstory and to see some of his past, while also seeing moments that we had already experienced in The Perfect Life from his perspective. I was emotionally invested already in Seth's character, but experiencing everything as he did added a whole new level of what I was feeling. My heart broke for him as he struggled between what he wanted and what he needed. I knew his story wouldn't be easy, but I ended up just loving him so much more than I already did and I hated that he had to go through some really rough times here. 

Overall, this was a great follow up to The Perfect Life and I am so glad that we got to see more of these characters. The only reason that I didn't give this story five stars is that I wish we had been given a bit more of these characters since the story was so short. I liked that we got some scenes from The Perfect Life in a whole new way here, but I would have loved even more all new content either from Seth's past or a bit down the road into his future. Don't get me wrong, I still really loved this story and definitely recommend it to those that have read The Perfect Life. But I am super greedy with these characters that we have come to know and love, and I was not ready to let them go yet. Erin Noelle is a great writer, and I really loved that she gave us this novella and stepped outside a bit from what she normally writes. I can't wait to see what she writes in the future and I am already anxious to see what she has in store for her readers next.

**ARC Provided by Love Affair with Fiction**

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