
Feature and Giveaway: Blown Away by Brenda Rothert

In a sensual, emotionally charged novel of love and loss, a tender affair gives two daring storm chasers the strength to overcome shattered dreams and the courage to build a future together.

Drew McGovern is living for two. Her fiancĂ©, Colby, used to savor the feeling of a powerful gale, the rain pelting his face as the sky grew dark—until a shocking tragedy struck him down. Drew’s still grieving his death a year later when she bumps into some of his old storm chasing buddies. For reasons she can’t explain, she volunteers for the next tornado. But when she reconnects with Colby’s best friend, Aiden O’Neal, Drew gets a breath of fresh air that stirs the ashes of her broken heart.

Aiden doesn’t trust himself around Drew. He’s wanted this girl for a long time—long enough to remember the stab of jealousy he felt the first time he saw her in Colby’s arms, long enough to remember the tears that fell as they buried the man they each still miss. Now he’s trying his best to behave himself. But when the wind ruffles Drew’s hair and puts a sparkle in her eye, Aiden can’t resist the urge to hold her close. And when it comes to true love, he’s holding out hope that lightning strikes twice.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

The next morning, I stood alone outside the motorhome, waiting for the other team members so we could have a group meeting and head off.

Sunlight filtered onto our campsite through the canopy of trees. The smoky scent of last night’s campfire still lingered in the air. We were nestled into a forest here, and I’d never experienced such a peaceful place.

But despite the serenity of calling birds and chirping insects, I was on high alert.

Would Aiden bring up last night? God, I hoped not. Just being his storm-chasing wingman had me stressed enough.

I sipped the coffee I’d made as soon as I woke up, wishing I had some cream and sugar to stir in it. I tried to remember what Tex did during yesterday’s storm, and I was lost in thought about it when the motorhome door opened and Tex walked out.

“Mornin’,” he said, nodding at me.

“Hey.” I gave him a tight smile. “Morning.”

His light blue T-shirt had a fish on it and the words MASTER BAITER. And like every T-shirt he wore, the sleeves were torn off.

“You all right?” he asked, slinging a backpack over his shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“Don’t be nervous. Aiden doesn’t bite.” He grinned.

My cheeks warmed as I recalled last night, when Aiden had buried his mouth against the mystery woman’s shoulder and I’d wondered if that was what he was doing.

On cue, Aiden approached, running his hand through his damp hair. He looked back and forth between me and Tex and then scowled.

“What?” he demanded.

“Nothin’,” Tex said. “How’d your night turn out, brother?”

Aiden glared at him. A couple seconds of awkward silence passed before Murph joined us, followed closely by Millie.

“The cell I’ve been tracking for a few days is looking really good today,” Murph said. “We’re gonna go hit it in western Kansas.”

“Good chance of a twister?” Tex asked.

Murph nodded. “We won’t know ’til we get there, but I think so.”

He launched into technical talk. Aiden was fixated on Murph, and I took the opportunity to sneak a sideways glance at him.

His gray T-shirt molded around his big shoulders and biceps. He was one of those men who had a five o’clock shadow by noon, and he looked like he hadn’t shaved this morning. What did that dark stubble feel like? I fought the urge to reach over and find out.

Murph was wrapping up the meeting, and Aiden turned to me and arched his brows for just a second. What did that mean? I saw you checking me out just now? Stop staring at me, crazy?

Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, chocolate, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.


Sue G. said...

This sounds interesting. Thanks!

Kim said...

Interesting excerpt. Thanks for posting it.

Martha Lawson said...

A new to me author! Love finding them, this one sounds really great.

Mary Preston said...

Sounds wonderful.

Joanne B said...

Sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read more about Aiden and Drew.

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