
ARC Review: Say You'll Stay by Corinne Michaels

Say You'll Stay is the first book in new Return to Me series from Corinne Michaels. Just like everything else I have read from her, I absolutely loved it! This book was so good, and I didn't want to put it down. It was a very emotional read though, and I will warn you that there are some subjects that are dealt with here that might be hard for some to get through. I really believe that this story is worth the read though, and I highly recommend giving this one a shot. 

Presley had loved Zach since they were kids, and they planned their life together. She would follow him to college and they would get married and have kids, all while he would make it to the pros playing the game he loved. But everything changed with one decision that left both of them broken hearted. Presley moved on and got married and had two boys. Just as it appeared that her life was in a good place, another decision changed everything for her once more. Once again left behind, Presley is forced to return home to Tennessee after being left for broke with two boys to raise. But she never expects to see Zach again and old feelings come rushing back for both of them. After seventeen years they are both different people with plenty of hurt and heartbreak between them, but can they get a second chance to get things right? This story was an emotional roller coaster for me. 

I really liked Presley and Zach, and I knew right away that these two had to be together. They were meant for one another and it was obvious that their feelings had never gone away for each other. My heart broke for all that they had been though, and it was clear that feelings were never the issue for them. Both Presley and Zach were young and made some poor decisions that they though they needed to or were for the best, and I think a lot of that was just their age. I wished so badly that they had talked to one another and wouldn't have been through all that they had, but that also would have meant that so much else wouldn't have happened including Presley's boys and they were everything to her. I loved how Zach accepted them right away and never tried to replace their dad. He was great with them and Presley, and I really loved the bond that was forming between all of them. They were so much fun to read about, and I loved the dynamic between them all. 

The other thing I really loved about this book was the great cast of secondary characters. I honestly cannot wait to get more of each of them, and I am so glad that we are getting Wyatt and Angie's story next! I was really hoping they would get a story after seeing them here, and the sparks are already flying between them. I will say that this book was emotionally intense and there was a ton of angst. I loved it though, even while it broke my heart at times. Corinne Michaels is a great writer, and I know that she will always put my heart back together after breaking it though and that was no different here. I hated all the time and distance as well as others that were between these two (totally irrational I know), but I also felt like things played out as they should have here considering everything that had happened. Zach and Presley's story was one filled with pain and heartbreak, but also love and hope. If you are looking for an emotional contemporary romance, I highly recommend this story! Corinne Michaels is one of my favorite authors, and I have never been disappointed by anything she has written. Already anxious for the next book, and I am really looking forward to seeing what she has in store for some of these characters next.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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