
ARC Review: Unbreak My Heart by Nicole Jacquelyn

Unbreak My Heart is the first book that I have read from Nicole Jacquelyn. This book is a standalone, however there is another book coming out later in the year that features a secondary character from this story. I am really hoping that a lot of these characters end up getting books of their own, because there were some here that I just really loved. This book was emotional and not always easy to get through because of the content. But I couldn't put it down, and it definitely won't be the last I read from Nicole Jacquelyn. 

Kate Evans has been in love with Shane Anderson since she was a kid. But he never saw her as anything more than a friend. When she brought her roommate and best friend home with her in college, Shane and Rachel fell in love and started a family together. Years later, Shane is in the military and gone often on deployments while Rachel is left to care for their three kids. When tragedy strikes and Rachel is killed in an accident, her unborn child miraculously survives. Kate steps in once again to help care for the kids, though things with her and Shane are far from on good terms. So when the year anniversary of Rachel's death rolls around and Shane and Kate take comfort in each other, neither of them are prepared for what that means for their future. As both struggle with the feelings as well as the four small children, each of them begins to wonder if they can find a way to work together but remain apart, or if they belong together as a family.

I will admit that I struggled a lot with Shane here. He was such a jerk for the majority of this book! He would have his sweet moments and there were times that I really liked him, but there were times that I also wondered if he would be able to win me over in the end. Luckily he did, but it definitely took the majority of this book for that to happen. Kate on the other hand was amazing! She was beyond sweet, kind, and loving. She was so genuinely good that you just couldn't help but love her. While at times she could have come off as a doormat, it never felt that way to me. She did let Shane get away with too much at times, but she also stood up for herself and would do anything for those kids. She loved Shane and the kids more than anything, and it was clear that she belonged with them. 

I will also say that it bothered me at times that Shane had known about Kate's feelings and yet he got with Rachel anyways. I understand that he didn't feel the same way about Kate at the time (or wasn't ready to acknowledge that he actually did), but he seemed to almost purposely hurt her when they were younger. While he was young and didn't know how to handle things, it didn't make it any easier to accept. I absolutely loved the kids here and I know that Shane and Kate did as well. He had loved Rachel and luckily Kate loved the kids even though they might not have been hers biologically. But the irrational part of me hated that he had been with Rachel and I wished that she had never been part of the equation. I knew about it going in of course, with it being mentioned in the blurb. But I just hated that he had been with her when it was so obvious to me that he belonged with Kate. 

Overall though, I really did enjoy this book and I could not put it down once I started. I was sucked right in and captivated the entire way through. I thought that Shane and Kate were meant for one another, and I loved that the kids were such a huge part of that. I am looking forward to reading more in this world, and I can't wait to see more of Ani and Bram in their book Change of Heart. Bram was so protective of Kate here (sometimes a bit too overprotective), but I am so anxious to get to know him better. If you are looking for an emotional story with angst, I recommend giving Unbreak My Heart a shot. I really enjoyed it, and I am looking forward to reading more from Nicole Jacquelyn in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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