
ARC Review: Bound to the Bounty Hunter by Hayson Manning

This is my first book by this author and I enjoyed it. In order to be accurate about my review, I have to make a couple points of clarification but overall, I enjoyed this book.

Harlan is the owner of a security company who seems to also do some bounty hunting work. I'm not completely sure. Sophie is a bounty hunter/private investigator. Harlan and Sophie first met when they were drawn together by their intense chemistry while chasing a subject. I'm not completely clear but I think they were chasing the same person and Harlan seduced Sophie out of her clothes and left her in her underwear so he could grab the subject. Harlan locked Sophie in a bathroom in her undies and of course she was pissed/humiliated. What's more is that Sophie believed Harlan's interest in her was fiction and that he pretended so that he could grab the subject before her.

One thing that you find out in the book is that Sophie has self esteem issues. Her "Dad" basically told her that she wasn't very pretty so she didn't even need to try. Of course Sophie is drop dead gorgeous but she's the last one to know. The point of me giving you this background info is that Harlan's apparent rejection of Sophie hit her in her soft spot. Throughout the book a lot of the continuing issues between Sophie and Harlan are because Sophie does not believe that Harlan really wants her and constantly worries about being fooled by him again.

As for Harlan, ooooh weee. Harlan is a big bad alpha male with a DIRTY mouth. Check, check and CHECK. Harlan is everything I love in my heroes and everything that makes me want to smack them. Harlan was convinced that all he could give Sophie was one night. He couldn't admit his feelings about her and as they developed, it freaked him out. And of course, Harlan is bossy and fells to notice that Sophie has feelings that he might be trampling on.

When Harlan and Sophie finally get together, there chemistry is super intense. The sex scenes are above average and the banter between the couple is entertaining. My clarification about why this book is not a higher rating for me is because the author did TOO MUCH with the plot. Just waaaay too much. There are like 12 different stories in this book. The author ventures into the cases that Harlan and Sophie are working on, Sophie's background, Sophie being pursued in the present, a sex club sort of theme, Sophie's job as a bartender and her new friends plus everything that goes on with Sophie and Harlan. There was just so much going on in this book, it took away from the romance.

So, I am giving this book three stars but if you have a super ability to focus and block out everything else going on in this book, it might be more like four stars for you.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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