
ARC Review: Wanderlust by Roni Loren

I am a huge fan of Roni Loren's, so any time that I see she has a new book coming out I can't wait to get my hands on it. Wanderlust was just as great as I had been expecting, and I really enjoyed reading it. It was nice to see something a bit new and different from Roni, yet also get a solid story filled with everything that I have come to know and love about her stories. 

After her magazine's music reporter falls ill, restaurant critic Aubrey Bordelon finds herself covering. She must follow the popular band Wanderlust around, providing fans with a behind the scenes look. But Wanderlust's lead singer Lex Logan wants anything but a nosy reporter ready to spill their secrets and problems to the world following their every move. When he pulls Aubrey onstage for a stunt, the sparks between them begin to fly. Soon Lex begins to wonder if the best way to keep Aubrey distracted, is to keep her busy in his bed.

I loved these two so much and they had such great chemistry. They were so different, a true example of opposites attract. While Lex is the wild and sexy often cocky rockstar, Aubrey was the straight-laced good-girl reporter. Aubrey was used to wanting control and never stepping outside the lines, so it was good to see her loosen up a bit. Lex was exactly what she needed to help her live a little. I really felt for her, and I was so glad that she had Lex after all she had been through. Lex was irresistible and easy to fall for, and I found myself swooning right along with Aubrey. I loved that they were real and genuine, flaws and all. They had no problems admitting when they did wrong or messed up, and that was really refreshing.

Overall, another great story from Roni Loren. She knows how to deliver a solid story with a great balance of steam and emotion. I really felt drawn in from the start with this book and I didn't want to put it down! Aubrey and Lex were great, and I think that readers will love their story! Roni Loren is a talented writer, and I have never been disappointed by her books yet! This is one I would definitely recommend, and I already can't wait for more from her. I really enjoyed this world, and I hope that this turns into a series and we get more of the band!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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