
ARC Review: Learning to Ride by Erin Knightley

Learning to Ride is exactly what James Patterson is advertising! A quick shot to get you through when you need a hit! You only need to commit to the amount of time it would take you to watch a movie. I finished this in about 2 hours and 15 minutes. Erin Knightley jumps out of her comfort zone to bring us her first contemporary romance.

Madeline is a city girl who is trying to advance her career. She is sent to a small town in Texas in the hopes of acquiring a new branch for her company. The promotion is extremely important to her, so she is absolutely devoted to only her work. After a few weeks in town, She finally decides to have a little fun and goes to the local honky tonk.

Tanner is a former Rodeo rider, and he doesn't want any sort of serious relationship. When he sees Madeline at the Honky Tonk, he thinks she gorgeous and perfect because he doesn't think she is planting any roots. They share a few sexy dances and leave the bar together, wink wink!

Turns out though that Madeline is sticking around and she ends up finding a house to rent. The two agree that a relationship isn't a good idea because of reasons like Madeline's career and Tanner's knowledge of a small town rumor mill. However, they can't fight how drawn they are to each other.

This book was super cute, as all of Erin Knightley's stories are! Erin proves she has a lot of talent up her sleeves now that she is branching off into other romance sub genre's. She also gave a little more intimacy than is her norm. It was extra spicy, but still tasteful.

While my particular preference from Erin Knightley is Regency, this was still a great fast read. I have already recommended it to a couple of friends and my Mom! It's definitely worth a try and its James Patterson approved! That's gotta tell you this author has something special.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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