
ARC Review: Steadfast by Sarina Bowen

Steadfast is the second book in the True North series by Sarina Bowen, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one after I finished the first in the series, Bittersweet. I have been a fan of Sarina's since I first read one of her books, but I have to say that this series is absolutely my favorite from her to date! I am loving this world that she has created and I never want to leave! 

Sophie and Jude loved one another, but one incident changed everything. Jude vowed to stay away after the accident that killed a man and sent him to prison, but now that he is out he is an ex-con and is limited on where he can get a job. Sophie's heart was broken by Jude and she finds herself face to face with the man he has become and how much he has changed. Though no one wants them together, they find it impossible to let go of what they once had as well as the feelings that continue to grow. 

I loved these two! I knew I was going to love Jude's book after reading Bittersweet, but I honestly didn't expect to love it more than the first in the series! My heart broke for these two and all that they had been through. Though I have never experienced anything like they did here, I found that I was so emotionally invested in these characters. I felt a connection not only between Sophie and Jude, but also between them and me as a reader. I just couldn't get enough of them, and the chemistry between them was something really rare and unique. It was something that couldn't be broken, and that undeniable love they had kept me captivated the entire way through this one. 

Steadfast was such an emotional journey, and I will admit that there were some difficult parts to get through here. Reading about Jude and his addiction had me feeling so much, and that wasn't always easy. With that being said though, this story was so worth it and I really loved how things turned out. Sarina Bowen is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, and I really can't say enough positive things about this series. While this one can be read as a standalone story, I highly recommend this entire series! They are fantastic books and I really think that there is something for everyone here. I already can't wait for the next book in this series and I am looking forward to whatever else Sarina Bowen writes in the future.

**ARC Provided by Bocci PR**

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