
ARC Review: All of the Lights by K. Ryan

I have to admit that what first drew me to this story was the beautiful cover. I have never read anything by K. Ryan before, but All of the Lights was one I was excited to take the chance on. Once I started, I was sucked in immediately and couldn't put it down. This was my first K. Ryan novel, but it won't be my last. 

All of the Lights is a modern day take on Romeo and Juliet. Rae and Jack come from different worlds. After an awful attack, Rae sends a man to prison. Trying to move on with her life years later, she takes a job working for her sister's shop and allows her friend to talk her into going out one night. She bumps into Jack, the brother of the man she sent to prison years before. Rae knows that she needs to right some wrongs, and her and Jack begin to work together. But as they begin to learn the truth, they quickly realize that not everything is as they thought and getting the facts could mean going against everything and everyone that they thought they knew. 

I couldn't get enough of these characters. They were complex and interesting, and you could feel the connection between them. They had such different circumstances, yet none of that mattered. What they had was undeniable and the attraction and chemistry between them was so strong. This one didn't have a ton of steam, yet their connection came through regardless. While I typically like my stories with more steam, I found that it didn't stop me from enjoying this one. Rae and Jack had my attention the whole way through, and there was enough going on that I didn't miss the heat. 

Overall, this was a great story. There was suspense, romance, emotion and angst. I will admit that this book was a bit of a roller coaster, yet I didn't want to stop reading. I really enjoyed it, and I think that fans of Romeo and Juliet will definitely love this one as well. If you are new to K. Ryan like I was, don't be afraid to take the chance on a new author. I definitely can't wait to see what else K. Ryan writes in the future, and I look forward to reading more from her.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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