
ARC Review: For Better or Worse by Lauren Layne

I love Lauren Layne. Really. I have not read a bad book by her. Heather and Josh were like Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake in Friends with Benefits. They all say I don't want to fall in love, it's just sex. yadda yadda...Famous last words. Lauren Layne just keeps raising the bar when it comes to her books I swear they just keep getting better and better.

The Wedding Belles is doing better than ever and now they have the chance to nail a big celebrity client and she wants Heather. Alexis says that Heather finally gets her chance to get promoted to full Wedding Planner, no longer an assistant but first she has to plan the wedding for a social media princess who just gave her the kiss of death, she gave her carte blanche to plan the wedding. Getting free range isn’t as wonderful as it sounds, the bride will either hate it or love it and Heather is risking her career and the reputation of the Wedding Belles on this one gig. Heather knows something is up but she’s not willing to risk her chance at a promotion to call the bride on her BS. Luckily Heather has an inside track her new neighbor use to date her client.

Josh is living like he's dying, he survived cancer and now he gave up his high profile Wall Street job and is living life to the fullest. Well so he thought, but it's getting old. He plays in his band, writes music, works out and sleeps with a different woman every night is he wants to. His newest entertainment trying to seduce his new neighbor. From the first time she came over getting on to him about playing his music to loud he was hooked, she was just the challenge he was looking for. He likes hanging out with her and sex has never been so good but when it comes to his life he shuts her outs.

It was just supposed to be sex but the more they got to know each other the more their feelings came into play. Spending Thanksgiving with Josh's family and then New Years together. Heather finding reasons to spend time with Josh never even realizing the feelings she was feelings were love. Josh trying to keep Heather at a distance because the possibility that he might get sick again and not wanting her to be hurt.

Overall, this was a fun and sweet story, it also hints more at Alexis and Logan, fills you in on what’s happening with Brooke and Seth. Josh and Heather are such a fun couple with their teasing.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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