
ARC Review: Close to You by Kristen Proby

Close to You is the second book in the Fusion series by Kristen Proby. Don't worry about starting here if you haven't read the first in the series as each book is a complete standalone though the characters are interconnected. I hadn't read the first book in the series and I had no problem understanding anything here, though I do want to go back and read it after finishing Close to You! This book was really great, and I enjoyed it from start to finish. 

Cami has loved Landon since she was a kid, while some called it a crush she knew that it was more. But when Landon left and joined the Navy, Cami tried to move forward with her life by marrying someone else. Years later, she is divorced but still friends with her ex, part owner of a successful restaurant, and happy with her life. But when Landon suddenly returns from the Navy, sparks begin to fly. Landon had feelings for Cami when they were kids, but being his little sister's friend she was always off limits. But now that they are adults and he is back he is more determined than ever to make her his. 

I liked these two a lot. They had great chemistry and were really good for one another. Their connection and history was something I couldn't get enough of, I really loved that they had been so close. While I hated that they had grown apart a bit and gone their separate ways, I think that it was what they had each needed. Landon was fantastic, a great guy that was honest and straight forward. He was sweet and sexy, everything you could want in a book boyfriend. I liked Cami, but I will admit that if there was any weak spot here it was her. She got on my nerves a bit with the pushing Landon away (especially after she had wanted him for years and he had given her no reason to doubt him), but besides that she was great. 

Overall, I really had a great time reading this book. I couldn't put it down and liked the characters a lot. The secondary characters here were just as great as Cami and Landon, and I loved their group and how close they all were. I look forward to reading more in this series, and I think if you are a fan of contemporary romance this is definitely one worth checking out. Kristen Proby is a great writer and am excited to read more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Rowena said...

Thanks for the lovely review. It's going on my list. I have Navy heroes. :)

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