
ARC Review: Wild Ride by Chantal Fernando

Don't be fooled by the name, there was nothing "wild" about this ride. Something is missing from this book. I'm not sure exactly what it is but I think it's a plot that has some rising action, conflict and resoluton. This entire story line was completely flat. I have read all the Wind Dragon MC books so I was expecting much more from this story. Maybe because it was a short story that seems to be the beginning of another story, the author just held off on giving us everything. I don't know but this book felt really disappointing.

If you have read other books in the Wind Dragon series than you already know who Tia and Talon are. Based on the history of Tia and Talon, I was expecting some major fire works in this book but then there was just nothing. Tia and Talon hook up. Talon offers a bit of resistance for like 10 pages because he doesn't want to cause trouble with the WDs but then he throws caution to the wind. From that point on, Tia and Talon are a couple. And really, nothing happens. They have a couple of tepid sex scenes and go on a couple of dates. Talon eventually meets Tia's son Rhett but no sparks there. Talon is having problems with his MC but we just hear about it, Talon isn't really a part of the action and spends most of the book trying to figure out what is going on in his own club. So, weird. The WD's offer a little token resistance to Tia and Talon being together but they sort that pretty quick and we hear nothing else about it. I mean seriously, nothing happens in this book.

This is a short story so it goes by pretty quick. But just because a book is a novella doesn't mean it shouldn't have a plot. I was just expecting a lot more from this series and from this author. This book really adds nothing to the series and I found it very unsatisfying. It's not bad, it's just nothing...

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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