
ARC Review: Challenged by You by Steph Nuss

Challenged By You is the fifth book in the Love in the City series by Steph Nuss. I have really enjoyed each book in the series, and I couldn't wait to finally get Paige's story. This book was such an emotional read, and I could not put it down! I have to say that the last book in the series is my favorite, but Challenged By You might just be my new favorite. 

Paige and Drake had the perfect relationship, until everything changed in an instant. When Drake headed to college, he left Paige behind at their high school for another year never knowing that he was leaving behind more than just the girl he loved. Years have passed without them speaking, but when they are suddenly forced back together they both realize that the past has a way of holding onto you. Drake is determined to get Paige back, but Paige is holding a secret that could change everything when revealed. 

I loved these characters, and I felt emotionally invested in them right away. Paige is known in the past books for being a bit uptight and straight-laced. But in her past she was quite different, and I really enjoyed getting to know that side of her. So much had happened, and it wasn't hard to see how she had turned into the woman that she was. The one thing that had never changed though were the feelings between Drake and Paige. Drake had thought he was doing the right thing by letting Paige go, but years later he knew it was a mistake and the biggest regret of his life. Luckily for them both, the chemistry and connection was just as strong as it had always been and they were able to move forward after everything had happened. 

 Overall, I really enjoyed this book, just as I have with every other book in the series. Steph Nuss is a fantastic writer and I really love her stories. This series is filled with sweet and sexy times, love, friendship and tons of emotion. It is one of my favorite series, and I think fans of both the contemporary and new adult genres will love them. If you haven't read these yet, you are definitely missing out and I highly recommend giving them a go.

**ARC Provided by Southern Belle Promotions**

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