
ARC Review: Guardian’s Mate by Jennifer Ashley

I fell in love with the big polar bear in the previous books, man, Zander is big and gruff and all heart. Rae is a hero who never asked for it. She would have rather not been selected as the Guardian for her pack but it’s the hand the Goddess gave her so she’s sucking it up. I love this series, I remember the first time I read the first book I was hooked I think out of the series I’ve missed just one book. Jennifer Ashley is fantastic at what she does. Her characters are all written and likeable. The storyline it’s like a domino effect one thing leads to another that leads to another that leads to one big cluster fuck and so on. This was such a fun and entertaining book, to sound clichĂ©, it will make you laugh it make you cry and it all leads to one very nice HEA.

Rae was adopted, she was found abandoned as a wolf cub and the feline Alpha of the pack raised her as his own. The Guardian was one of the ones who found her he was also one of her best friends. One day he was attacked by humans, murdered and had the sacred Guardian sword stolen. It was retrieved by Austin Shiftertown’s guardian and returned but for six months the Montana Shiftertown has held the ceremony to pick another Guardian but to no avail the Goddess has not spoken. Since the Guardian’s death Rae has been the only one who can actually touch the sword. To everyone’s surprise she was selected, the only female Guardian ever. The pack is having a hard time believing it, shunning Rae. Rae’s father fears that they might actually hurt her so he asks for help.

Zander is just looking for some alone time to decompress after his last mission. Zander is Goddess blessed he has amazing healing abilities but he takes it into him and that takes a lot out of him. Zander doesn’t want the responsibility of training a Guardian but one look at Rae and knows she’s something special. The adventures begin when Rae is called on to perform her Guardian duties on an older wolf whose time has come; she does so, further proving she really is the Guardian. Afterward one thing leads to another they end up in a bar fight then on the run from the police, then the coast guard, and a bounty hunter. The Bounty Hunter who has a grudge against all shifters actually catches them but then they have to work together to get out of a natural phenomenon known as The Graveyard. That really is just the start it all leads up to a big reveal about a sinister plot. All the while Rae and Zander fall in love.

Overall, great non-stop adventure. The supporting cast is just as fun as the main characters and the foreshadowing of what’s to come will definitely hook you to the books to come.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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