
ARC Review: An Indecent Proposal by Katee Robert

I am a huge fan of this entire series. I've read every book and enjoyed each one for different reasons. The series follows the two major crime families in Boston via the lives of the O'Malley siblings. This book a standalone and you really don't need to read the others first to read this one but I suggest you do. This installment contains minor spoilers of the previous books in the series and you really need to get to know all the issues with the various O'Malley siblings to follow the context of the book.

This is the story of Cillian and Olivia. Cillian is one of the O'Malley siblings. His brother was killed in book one and the O'Malley children have been falling apart (and some rebuilding themselves) ever since that point. Cillian is still in falling apart mode when this book begins. He is struggling with the demons of his past and the control of his family. There is a really sad quality about Cillian. At first when he is not pursuing Olivia, he seems almost wistful.

As for Olivia, she is bad ass. Olivia has run from a New York crime family so that she can have a good life with her child. The very last thing Olivia needs is a problem like Cillian but she is totally unable to resist him. Olivia was one of my favorite characters because she is a perfect balance of strength and vulnerability. At one point Olivia puts a shotgun on her shoulder and protects someone in need of help. I love that in a character.

The chemistry between Olivia and Cillian is so well depicted. The two can't deny their attraction for each other, no matter how inconvenient it is. I loved seeing how Olivia helped Cillian to confront his present and how Cillian helped Olivia to confront her past. If you have read any of these books, you know that the sprinkle in suspense and action. The arcs of the story are what get me. The book builds and always ends in an explosion followed by a HEA. At the same time, we get to check in with the other O'Malley siblings and get an idea of where some of their stories might be headed in the future.

I still love the first book in the series the best but I love all the other books too. I strongly recommend you read all of the books in this series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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