
ARC Review: Wide Open Spaces by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Wide Open Spaces is the second book in the Shooting Stars Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds. While I have read and enjoyed books by Aurora Rose Reynolds before, I hadn't read the first book in this series before starting this book. I can't wait to go back and read it after reading this story though. 

After making the most difficult decision of her life, Shelby left her Alaskan hometown with no plans to return. She was left feeling empty and alone, but she found a way to go on with her life. Now fifteen years later, Shelby returns home with her ten year old son after losing her grandfather and a painful divorce. She knew she would run into her childhood love Zach Watters again with how small the town is, but she never expected that he would be single and not willing to let her go for a second time. 

I really liked these two. They had such a strong connection and chemistry that had never gone away despite all that had happened. Their love was never the problem for them, and it was so clear to see that what these two shared was unique and special. They had some really tough decisions that they had to make at a young age, and they both were left to deal with the fallout of those decisions. My heart broke for them, even though they had done what was best for them. I was so glad to see that they were able to reconnect though, and I really felt like Shelby and Zach belonged together. Everything that happened was for a reason, and while it was heartbreaking at times it really felt like these two needed to go through everything that they did to end up exactly where they should.

Overall, this was a really great story. I enjoyed it a lot and once I started it, I couldn't put it down. Zach and Shelby were great characters, and I felt so invested in their story from start to finish. I think that fans of Aurora Rose Reynolds will really enjoy this book, and those that have yet to read her books will love it as well. It is beautiful, emotional, and a captivating story that you can't help but lose yourself in. I highly recommend this one, especially if you love second chance romance stories.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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