
ARC Review: The Goal by Elle Kennedy

I have loved this series since I first read The Deal. Each character is interesting and deep, and I have loved them all. Elle Kennedy has created a brilliant world that I never want to leave, and I was so excited for Tucker's story after how things ended in The Score. I will say that this book was probably my least favorite of the series though and if it wasn't for Tucker himself, I probably would have rated this one at 3 stars. 

Sabrina has always planned her life, determined to get out of the circumstances she has been raised in. Driven to succeed and get into law school, she doesn't have time for distractions While she is instantly attracted to Tucker, she knows that it can only be one night between them. But one night and Tucker's want for more with Sabrina quickly proves to be something she hadn't planned for. Can Tucker convince Sabrina that they belong together? 

I absolutely loved Tucker. He was fantastic from start to finish, and honestly he is what kept me flipping pages here. He was so sweet and patient, and I admired him so much for how he was with Sabrina and those around him. He was loyal to those he cared about, but he made his own decisions. I do think that there were times that Tucker let Sabrina push him away too much or get away with things when he should have pushed back, but ultimately he was amazing and I wasn't too upset about it. Sabrina was hard for me to relate to. It wasn't that I didn't like her, yet I didn't love her either. She herself said that at times she was aloof, and I felt that was the case here. I just didn't feel like I could ever connect with her and I wanted more out of her character. 

There was chemistry between them, but I did feel like there wasn't as much of an emotional connection as I would have liked. I think a lot of that is because things felt rushed here, as though things were a bit skipped over. These two spent more time not together than actually together, so because of that it seemed that we never got to see their relationship fully form. As much as I wanted to love this book for Tucker, Sabrina kept that from being possible. While this wasn't my favorite of the series, I did still like it and I always enjoy getting to see the characters from the previous books. This definitely won't be the last I read from Elle Kennedy, and I think fans of this series will enjoy this one.

**ARC Provided by Bocci PR**

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