
Feature and Giveaway: Mistletoe Cottage by Debbie Mason

'Tis the season for love . . .

Sophie DiRossi loved growing up in Harmony Harbor. But after fleeing in disgrace many years ago, it is the last place she wants to be. Left homeless by a fire, she's forced to go back to the small coastal town that harbors a million secrets, including her own. Sophie sees this secret reflected every day in her daughter's blue eyes-and she must keep it hidden from the only man she has ever loved.

Sophie's return is a shock for everyone . . . especially Liam Gallagher. The firefighter had some serious feelings for Sophie-and seeing her again sparks a desire so fierce it takes his breath away. Now Liam will do whatever it takes to show Sophie that they deserve a second chance at love, even if everything they've concealed threatens to keep them apart. In this special town at this special time of the year, Sophie and Liam can only hope for a little holiday magic . . .

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Check out the Harmony Harbor series:

Liam held up his hands and took a step back with a wary expression on his handsome face. “Maybe you better tell me what the problem is, Soph.”

“Okay, but don’t laugh. I had to borrow clothes from Rosa for the interview, and they’re too big. So we pinned the skirt . . .”

“Gotcha. How about you take off your coat and—” he began as he moved behind her.

“I can’t. My skirt will fall off if I do.” She heard what sounded like a snort of laughter and looked over her shoulder. “You’re not supposed to laugh.”

He crouched behind her, his eyes glinting with amusement. “I’m not. I’ll just”—he lifted the hem of her coat and disappeared beneath it— “Ah, it’s a little dark under here. Whereabouts is the pin?”

That was an easy enough question to answer. She knew exactly where the pin was—it was stabbing her left butt cheek. But with Liam’s hand resting on her hip while the other one skimmed over the back of her skirt, she was having a difficult time staying focused. All she could think was that Liam Gallagher, who’d once played the starring role in her teenage fantasies, was touching her butt. “Where it shouldn’t be,” she finally managed to say, reaching back to show him. She ended up hitting him on the head instead.

“Hey, I’m doing my best not to touch your ass, but it’s kind of—”

“May I ask what you’re doing, Master Liam?”

Jasper was like a wraith. You never saw or heard him coming. He’d appear out of nowhere. Sophie wanted a do-over. This day was turning out worse than she’d expected. And that had been pretty bad.

Liam’s messy, dark hair appeared from under her coat. “Maybe you could—

Was he seriously going to ask for Jasper’s help? Sophie drew her foot back and lightly kicked Liam in the shin. He raised his eyes to hers, lifting an eyebrow. She gave him a do-it-and-die look.

He grinned. “All good here, Jeeves. My hammer got caught in the hem of Sophie’s coat.”

“In future, I’d suggest you be more careful with your tools around Miss DiRossi, Master Liam,” the older man said, spearing Sophie with his ice-blue gaze. His mouth pressed in a thin line of disapproval as he walked away.

Debbie Mason is the bestselling author of the Christmas, Colorado series. Her books have been praised for their "likable characters, clever dialogue and juicy plots" (RT Book Reviews). She also writes historical paranormals as Debbie Mazzuca. Her MacLeod series has received several nominations for best paranormal as well as a Holt Medallion Award of Merit. When she isn't writing or reading, Debbie enjoys spending time with her very own real-life hero, their four wonderful children, an adorable grandbaby, and a yappy Yorkie named Bella.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print Set of the Christmas Colorado Series
  • 2 $25 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Debbie Mason & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


penney said...

Love her books thank you

Meljprincess said...

I can't wait to read this book. I'm very excited about it!

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting MISTLETOE COTTAGE today!

Crystal, Tasty Book Tours

Sharlene said...

Love the excerpt!

Jan Hougland said...

I love second chance romances because I am the recipient of one of those myself. My second hubby and I celebrated our 36th anniversary this year! And I've not read anything before by Debbie Mason, so I'm glad for the introduction. Thanks for the post!

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