
A Historical Christmas Event with Sylvia McDaniel

Sylvia McDaniel is a best-selling, award-winning author of over thirty western historical romance and contemporary romance novels. Known for her sweet, funny, family-oriented romances, Sylvia is the author of The Burnett Brides a historical western series, The Cuvier Widows, a Louisiana historical series, Lipstick and Lead, a western historical series and several short contemporary romances.

Former President of the Dallas Area Romance Authors, a member of the Romance Writers of America®, and a member of Novelists Inc, her novel, A Hero’s Heart was a 1996 Golden Heart Finalist. Several other books have placed or won in the San Antonio Romance Authors Contest, LERA Contest, and she was a Golden Network Finalist.

Married for over twenty years to her best friend, they have two dachshunds and a good-looking, grown son who thinks there’s no place like home. She loves gardening, hiking, shopping, knitting and football (Cowboys and Bronco’s fan), but not necessarily in that order.

Christmas is here! The tree is up, the packages are bought and wrapped and while you’re reading this, I’m in the kitchen baking. Yes, it’s finally here and if you have small children, this is the time when they drive you crazy, but they’re so much fun. Enjoy! I think that I’m the last author up in this fabulous blog event and so I want to tell you a secret…I have two Christmas stories that right now until January 1 are on sale for .99 cents. One is Her Christmas Lie and the other is The Reluctant Santa. One is a little sexier than the other and one is paranormal and has angels and the devil and he’s trying his darndest to take this man’s life.

I’m giving you a short snippet of The Reluctant Santa, my favorite. I love the other book as well, but this one has angels and children and a secret. I love secrets and I hope you’ll enjoy this story and yes it’s available EVERYWHERE.

His soul is mine,” Devon, the devil’s angel, said. He watched the humans, who were oblivious to his presence, gathered in the sales office. One of the best things about being an angel was his ability to pop into just about anywhere and spy on his subjects without their knowledge. He could observe the humans as if were watching a play and even occasionally act as director.

A chill wind howled outside the downtown Denver office, heralding the arrival of winter and the holiday season. The perfect time of year to increase his soul count. Devon studied his next soul, a brown-haired young man with expressive brows and a quirky grin. Unbeknownst to him, the salesman’s life meter was about to expire unless he made drastic changes.

“Devon,” a voice echoed into the atmosphere before the being that irritated him the most shimmered into his vision. “Doing a soul count before he’s yours?”

Slowly, an angel materialized, clad from head to toe in a white leather jacket and white knee-high boots fit snug over white leather pants. A gold belt around her waist, held a cross that signified sergeant, angel, first class. Her halo was tilted at a rakish angle. In earth terms, Gabriella looked hot.

“Whoever is in charge of your wardrobe, I like the changes they’ve made,” Devon said, letting his eyes rake her until a searing heat reminded him he was crossing boundaries. “Please tell me they ditched the boring robes.”

With a toss of her blonde hair, her blue eyes flashed, glinting silver as her brows rose.

“My robes are hardly boring, but no, one of my cases is a motorcyclist. I’m riding shotgun today, trying to keep him from splattering all over the highway. The robes kept blowing up in my face, so I found a solution.”

“Nice!” Devon shook his head and forced his eyes back to the human whose life he’d soon influence. “I thought your promotion at Easter took you out of the saving souls division.”

Gabriella smiled as the air around her shimmered. Why didn’t the angels from purgatory patrol get that shimmery essence?

“Devon, we work so…well together” she said, drawing out the word until he wanted to snap at her. He held onto his temper.

“We’re all looking for ways to make quota this time of year. Only the strongest stay out of the pit, and every time I come up against you, I lose. But not this time. This one belongs to me,” he announced, staring at the man whose only interest in life was making money. No family, no girlfriends, no friends— just work and money.

Gabriella tsked. “Now why would you want to send this poor man to hell for eternity? He just needs a little coaxing to choose the right path.”

Devon sighed. “His time is about to expire. I’m here to collect his soul.”

“Maybe,” she said. “Unless, I can give him some guidance and save him from evil.”

“Not this time. Heavenly angels may not be able to play dirty, but I can,” he said, smiling at Gabriella. “And I intend to win this one.”

Gabriella laughed.

“Always so arrogant, Devon.” She glanced at their human. “His case is challenging, but I’m certain I can help him.”

She turned toward Devon, her brows rising. “Playing dirty landed you where you are now. Why should I expect anything less?”

“How I got here doesn’t matter. I need this soul,” he snapped. “You make your soul count or the big man sends you back to the pit to fight and claw your way back for another chance.”

“And Colin McDermott needs to be saved,” Gabriella said, swirling back to their subject."

Since his mother abandoned him on Christmas Eve never to return, Colin McDermott has hated Christmas and sworn never to have children. But this year two angels are giving him everything he didn’t want. A Santa suit, a child and a chance at love again. This is his last chance to learn the true meaning of Christmas.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Up For Grabs:
  • 2 eBook copies of Wild Western Women Mistletoe, Montana Box Set
To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter for entry.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sylvia McDaniel for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

Ooh, a sassy angel! Love it!

Carol L. said...

Loved it. Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Loved it. Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Michele Hayes said...

Merry Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win.

girlygirlhoosier52 said...

I've always liked her Western books, but had not read any of her historicals

Jan Hougland said...

Oh Sylvia, I'm so happy you were included in this annual Historical Christmas Event! Thanks for your post and "snippet" from The Reluctant Santa. I think Colin is in for a nice awakening! :-)

Joanne B said...

Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to find out if Colin gets saved. Happy holidays.

Sylvia said...

Me too!! I love sassy angels. Thanks!

Sylvia said...

Merry Christmas!!!

Sylvia said...

Oh yes, Janice he definitely gets an awakening. Merry Christmas!

Sylvia said...

Merry Christmas! Enjoy!

Sylvia said...

Merry Christmas Michele!

Sylvia said...

Merry Christmas Joanne! Enjoy!

Sylvia said...

Merry Christmas!

Glenda said...

Sounds great! Love the bickering angels!

Natasha Persaud said...

Merry Christmas thanks for the chance

Sharlene said...

Merry Christmas! Just bought the ebook!

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