
ARC Review: Dashing through the Snow by M. Leighton

Dashing through the Snow is a standalone novella from M. Leighton. This one is short and has some cute moments as well as some steamy ones. While I did enjoy parts of it though, it suffered from what I typically have a problem with in novellas, and that is that there just aren't enough pages to really do the story justice. This one felt rushed at times, and while the beginning was promising, the second half of this story fell apart for me. 

Dilyn Hart hates Christmas, so she is relieved when she gets an assignment for Christmas Eve. She needs to interview known player and champion snowboarder Dash Grainger. When they are caught in a snowstorm, they find themselves falling for one another despite all the reasons that they shouldn't. 

These two were cute together and they definitely had chemistry. Dash and Dilyn definitely were a case of insta-love here, and while that can work for me sometimes I will admit that it didn't entirely work for me with these two. It was really rushed and didn't feel as though it was entirely believable. Things got a bit crazy in the second half of the story like I mentioned before, and I felt like it was just kind of over the top and really lost me. While I liked the characters and M. Leighton's writing style, this one was just okay. If you are looking for a quick holiday story without a ton of substance, this one might be one worth checking out.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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