
ARC Review: Nico by Sarah Castille

I don't know what happened here. I should have loved this book. I love this author, I love the other books by her that I've read, I loved the blurb for this book....I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED HERE. To make matters even more confusing, when I started this book, I was like yes yes yes. Mia was smart and snappy and I loved her boldness. Then we meet Nico and I was like hot damn, I'll take one of those. Castille is great at descriptive writing and she conveys Nico loud and clear. Nico is enigmatic and magnetic at the same time. He is not "the boss" but he is still "a boss" and boy can you tell. From the first moment that Nico and Mia meet, there attraction is explosive and jumps off the pages at you. I really thought we were headed to the happy place.

Mia finds herself in a precarious situation. Her father is a mob boss who decides to marry her off to the son of another mob boss to solidify the family's ties. Of course Mia knew nothing about the planned union and has no intention of marrying a total stranger. The problem is if Mia doesn't marry strange mob boss son, her Father will force her little sister to do it. By a strange twist of fate, Nico winds up sort of rescuing Mia from the marriage and perhaps death. And it is is right around this point in the book that things went left for me.'

Like right around the 30% mark in this book, I just got...bored. I felt like Nico and Mia were spending too much time apart. I didn't understand how the whole kidnapping thing went so left. Mia's life didn't really make sense to me. I didn't understand how she went on running her company and teaching classes while all hell broke loose. There was a lot of action surrounding the story of Mia and Nico but I just wasn't all that into it. Nico is a really compelling character to me but as the book went on, I didn't love Mia as much. I honestly don't know how this happened. I sometimes read other reviews when I read a book by an author that I really like that doesn't move me. So I read some other reviews of this book and people loved it. And now I feel even more like I'm on asshole island all by myself. So this is what I will say, give the book a try. If you get to the 40% mark and it's rocking your world, you can assume LJ was just having an off day. But if you find that something goes missing in the plot around the 30% mark, you can't say I didn't try to warn you.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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