
ARC Review: Womanizer by Katy Evans

I am a big fan of Katy Evans, and I have enjoyed the Manwhore series since the very start. If you haven't read the previous books in the series, don't worry about starting with Womanizer. This book is a standalone story though it is the fourth novel (5th book) in the series. Womanizer features Callan and Tahoe's sister Livvy.

Olivia was determined to have the career she dreamed of, and while having her brother help land her the internship she needed wasn't ideal she figured that once she was in she would make it on her own. But neither Olivia, nor Callan expected to feel the connection and attraction they felt to one another. Callan was the last person Livvy should be involved with, a womanizer who didn't settle down. Soon they realize that what they are feeling though is beyond what they ever imagined and both are left to figure out if there is a chance at something together. 

I will admit that I struggled a bit with Livvy at first, but I ended up really loving these two together. I am a huge fan of brother's best friend stories, so this one was right up my alley. But it ended up being a really great story, and a lot of that was because of Callan. He was sexy and I had been hoping for his story after seeing him in the previous books, so it was really great to get to know him better. Callan and Livvy were perfect for one another and I loved their chemistry! Livvy might have taken a bit for me to warm up to, but she was determined and I ended up really liking her. 

Overall, this was a great addition to the series and a really great standalone as well. While I do recommend reading this series in order if possible, Womanizer is definitely worth the read even if you haven't read any of this series before. Katy Evans is one of those authors that draws you in right away with her stories, and I didn't want to put Womanizer down! This book was everything that I have come to enjoy when reading something from Katy Evans, and I really hope that she continues to tell stories in this world. There were a few characters here that I would love to get to know even better! I recommend Womanizer, especially for fans of the Manwhore series, but this was just a really great story that I think romance readers will enjoy.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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