
ARC Review: Commander in Chief by Katy Evans

Commander in Chief is the second book in the White House series by Katy Evans. This book is not a standalone and should only be read if you have previously read Mr. President. I absolutely loved these two when I first read Mr. President and I have been anxiously waiting to get more of them. Katy Evans gave these two a great story and I loved them more than ever here in Commander in Chief. 

Matt and Charlotte fell in love while campaigning for the presidency. But they both knew what would happen if he won. Having grown up as the son of a president, Matt swore he would never put a woman through what his mom went through. Charlotte never imagined herself in the role of first lady, yet she couldn't stop herself from loving Matt. But now that he is being sworn into office to officially become President, he is determined to have it all, including Charlotte by his side in the white house. Can he convince Charlotte that they belong together and can make it through anything as long as they are together?

I really loved these two, and that love only grew here. Charlotte was mature and kind, always caring for others and putting them first. She was selfless, and even when she was sad or felt as though things weren't as she would have liked, she turned it around and did something positive. It felt so real and genuine, and I just loved her character and thought that she was perfect for Matt. Matt was sexy and strong, a true leader and a great man. It was easy to see why he would be so loved by everyone as he was what we all hope for in a person with such power. He was always determined to do the best for his country and treated them all as though they were his family, all the while making sure that Charlotte and his family were a priority as well. These two were still as sexy as ever, but I did enjoy seeing them settle into a relationship and how sweet they could be when they weren't worried about so many outside forces and could really focus on each other. 

Overall, I really enjoyed seeing how things turned out for these two and I loved were they ended up. Katy Evans did a great job of giving them what they deserved and making feel invested the whole way through. I will say that while I enjoyed this one a lot, it was different from what I was expecting. Things were very sweet here, and at times I was wishing for a bit more. There was a lot of focus on the day to day details of clothes, galas, etc and I would have liked to have maybe seen a bit more of the important things. There was a lot of time glossed over here with the mention of days, or months passing and I felt at times like we were missing things to some extent. I would have liked to have had more going on in the story as this one just felt too perfect at times if that makes sense. There were a few things that happened that weren't, but for the most part it was smooth sailing and I kept waiting for something big to happen and it never really did. It was still a great book and conclusion to Matt and Charlotte's story, just different than what I thought it would be. I am excited that Katy has said there will be a third book in this world, featuring new characters. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us and I am looking forward to hopefully getting a bit more of these characters as well.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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