
ARC Review: On Broken Wings by Chanel Cleeton

I have been dying to get my hands on Easy's story since I started this series from Chanel Cleeton! I absolutely loved him and could see so much more beneath the surface when it came to his character. On Broken Wings was everything that I had been hoping for and more. I never wanted it to end, and I absolutely love this world that Chanel has created.

Easy has always accepted the fact that he would have to love Dani from afar. As the wife of one of his best friends, he knew that friendship was all he would ever get and he was fine with that as long as it meant Dani was in his life. But after Joker was killed, Easy was determined more than ever to be there for Dani in any way that she needed him. As the two grow even closer, his love for her grew stronger. Dani had never seen Easy as anything more than a close friend, but in the year since she lost her husband, she started to see him as she never had before. But can they let go of the past and the guilt they feel to have a chance at a future together? 

My heart really hurt for both Dani and Easy. They had been through so much and each felt it so deeply. They really struggled with their feelings for each other and what that meant for not only their remaining connection to Joker, but also for their future. I loved that they had such a strong friendship and that their connection was so natural. These two just fit together and their relationship was independent of that  which Dani had before with Joker. She was able to love and be loved by two amazing men, and no one deserved it more than she did. Easy was more that what you first see, and his love for Dani was unlike any I have seen before. It was unconditional and unwavering, and he is the kind of guy that every girl dreams of one day finding. Dani was sweet and kind, and so very strong. She is the kind of girl that you would love to be friends with in real life, and I just couldn't get enough of them. 

Overall, it is so hard to pick a favorite book from this series as they are all fantastic, but On Broken Wings just might be my favorite. It was emotional and sexy, and everything and more that I had been waiting for. Easy and Dani are one of my all time favorite couples, and this series is one that is not to be missed! If you haven't read the previous books, this one can stand alone, but I highly recommend starting this amazing series at the beginning so as not to miss a single bit of it.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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