
ARC Review: Brutal by Jenika Snow

Brutal is the first book that I have ever read from Jenika Snow, and this one was a super quick read. Brutal is the 11th book in her Real Man series of standalones. While this one did have some good moments, I was left wanting more. Because this one was so short, I just don't think that it really allowed for much story and things were just too easy for me to fully get behind. 

Axel and Roxie are best friends who have always had feelings for one another but have never told the other how they feel for fear of risking their friendship. Axel is a boxer used to going after what he wants, and he knows that he needs to step up and tell Roxie how he feels. Roxie has done the same, watching him push away other girls while hoping that someday he might see her as more. But can they finally admit how they really feel? 

I liked these two for one another. They had a genuine connection and clear chemistry. I loved how close they were and the fact that they were there for one another no matter what. I would have liked to have seen more depth to their relationship though, as it felt like we came into their story in the middle of it after they had already developed everything except taking things to the next level. I wanted to see how these two became so close, rather that just be told that they were. 

The other thing that kept this one from being one I really loved was the fact that while there wasn't any real depth, there also wasn't much beyond the overly sweet constant I Love You's that these two seemed to immediately start saying to one another. I get it...these two have pined for each other and now that things are out in the open they can't say it enough. But it was just way over the top sweet and there really wasn't much else to hold my interest. I wanted more than just the super sweet, everything is perfect story that we got. There was no conflict and things just happened far too easily to keep my interest with the only reason I finished being that this one was as short as it was. Overall, it wasn't horrible, there just wasn't much to it.

**ARC Provided by Ardent PRose**


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