
My Favorite Things Event with Sarah Castille

Sarah Castille is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Redemption Series, Ruin & Revenge Series, Sinner’s Tribe Motorcycle Club series, Legal Heat series and the Club Excelsior series. A recovering lawyer with a fondness for dirty-talking alpha males, she now is a full-time writer, who lives on Vancouver Island.

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My five favorite things (in no particular order):

1. Books

Okay, this isn’t my real library, but it is how I imagine my library would be if all those one-clicks on my Kindle were actual books, and all my actual books were out of boxes and neatly displayed on my shelves. Sigh. So many wonderful stories!

2. Kids

I have three girls all under the age of 12 and they bring me all sorts of joy, while at the same time keeping me very busy. They all love to read, natch, and I’ve introduced them to some of my favorite books over the years. They still love print books and tease me over my preference for digital, but then they don’t have to sit around waiting for sport practice/doctor’s appointment/social event/playdate/school to finish and need to carry around 300 one-clicked books to fill the time!

3. Hubs

So this is a picture of hubs on his bike. Oh. Wait. That’s Jason Momoa. But my hubs does have a bike so this picture will give you an idea of what my hubs would look like riding his bike if he was Jason Momoa. Seriously, though the hubs does look pretty cool riding his Harley which is why he made the list.

And this is a gratuitous picture of Chris Hemsworth, or what my hubs would look like if he was blonde and blue-eyed and had a chiselled jaw and was named People’s Sexiest Man of the Year and hailed from Asgard.

4. Nachos

These are nachos. I love them. I could live on them because all the food groups are covered. If you ever see me at a conference, and you say, “Hey Sarah Castille! Let me take you for nachos,” I will be your BFF and I will also give you a free book. I might even pay for the nachos, too. I’m generous that way.

5. Owls

This is a Great Horned Owl. Many years ago, I was attacked by a Great Horned Owl (Not this one. He looks friendly. The one who attacked me was mean and he had sharp claws. Watch out for him if you are ever out running at night). My family thought it was hilarious and ever since then they have gifted me with all sorts of owl paraphernalia. My entire office is covered in owl things of every shape and form. I pretend I don’t like them, but secretly, I do.

Thank you to Danielle for hosting me today! She is also on my list of favorite things but she limited me to five. Next time I’ll put her on the list and share with you just how fabulous she is. Comment below with one of your favorite things to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card and a digital copy of Against the Ropes, the first book in Redemption series!

Fighting Attraction is the fourth book in a full-length, standalone, award-winning series by New York Times bestselling author, Sarah Castille, featuring deliciously sexy MMA fighters and the women who can’t help but love them.

My sweet, sexy Penny has a dark side. Just like me.

I will have her. And then I will lose her, and suffer a lifetime of regret.

Rampage. Everyone loves him. He is Redemption's top heavyweight fighter and the biggest gossip in the gym. But he isn't the teddy bear everyone thinks he is. He's hiding a dark secret-and he hates himself for it.

Twice a week, Rampage transforms into Master Jack, a notorious dom only the most hard-core submissives will play with. How can he-a Southern gentleman, bred to respect and protect women-want to dominate them?

But Penny Worthington wants him. Beneath her pearls, kitten heels, and prim British exterior beats a tortured heart...Master Jack is the only one who can set her free.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Check out the Redemption series:

Up for Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Against the Ropes + $5 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment or question for Sarah.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter our grand prize giveaway!**

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Sarah Castille for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

I like your favorites, especially the pictures you used to represent your hubs. Nice. Books, of course, would be at the top of my list too.

Unknown said...

Nachos and owls are 2 of my favorites as well! Great list.

Sue G. said...

I love your list and your humor! I have three girls who are now 24, almost 22 and almost 20. Have fun with those teenage years! ;) Now that they are all in college they appreciate me again! Back then they thought they knew everything and that hubs and I were dumb!

kim hansen said...

Owls are amazing birds.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway !

Nancy Jones said...

I love your list. My favorites are the books, nachos and the Harley. I can't wait to read this one. Thanks

Jo's Daughter said...

What a story, to be attached by an owl... They look so lovely :)

Colleen C. said...

Books are probably at the top of my list!

Glenda said...

Love your list, Sarah! I resisted the move to digital books until I realized how many I couldhave on me at any given time. :-D

Mary Preston said...

Jason & Chris are very yummy.

Megan1520 said...

I'm excited to read this series!

Beautiful Disaster said...

I really like Chris Hemsworth as well and I am looking forward to the new Thor movie 😊

Unknown said...

We have some of the same favorites like nachos and kids. I also like reading...a thing I spend a lot of time doing.

Lilypadchavez said...

Omg! Lol I love that your family gifts you with owls because of an incident... Ah lol such evil fun! Sounds like my family lol!
I will say that I love owls! I do have an owl collection hee hee 😍

Karen H said...

Well Sara, it's like this...owls are ornery and aggressive all the time. But, they are amazing birds and I have to agree, they are one of my favorites too. My son-in-law just returned from a photography trip to Norway and Finland and he brought me a stuffed (toy) snow cute! I love it. And I have 2 Swarovski Crystal Miniature owls in my collection. Always on the look-out for more owls.

Joanne B said...

Love your favorites, especially Jason Momoa. Yum. Just looking at that photo, I can picture your hubs riding his Harley.

Carissa said...

sounds good

Saskia Castro said...

If your husband played soccer, who would he look like? I love this intervew ������

Landslide said...

Books are always on my favorites list...

Maureen said...

You are very forgiving to put owls on your list.

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