
ARC Review: Restrained Under His Duty by Stacey Kennedy

This is the third book in the "dirty little secrets" series which focuses on the members of the Blackwood Security team. In addition to being world class security agents and multimillionaires, the Blackwood security owners are also the owners of three private sex clubs where they indulge fantasies and dominate women. Ryder is also the long time security provider and closest confidante to one United States Senator. The Senator is the Father of Hadley who has been in love with Ryder since she was a little girl.

Ryder always felt like he couldn't be with Hadly because of his duty to the Senator. I'm not entirely sure it made sense but it seemed to me that for a long time Hadley was too young for Ryder. After Ryder got into a certain mode of responding to Hadley, it seemed difficult for him to switch and start responding to her as a soman who he wanted in a sexual way. But then all the members of the security team and Hadley are threatened by someone who appears bent on getting the Senator out of office. And the threats are not just any threats. Hadley has been up to some very very freaky side activities. Someone knows about what Hadley has been doing and they have photos and videos and are blackmailing Hadley.

All of the intense pressure that comes with Hadley being threatened forces Ryder to acknowledge that Hadley may have sought out the kind of activities she did because he continued to reject her. Ryder finally realizes it's time to give whatever is between him and Hadley a chance. Ryder is fiercely protective and once he claims Hadley, that's it. On the other side, I really like Hadley. She is strong and smart and stands up for herself. Hadley was involved in a lot of freaky side activity before Ryder but hey, she was young and single. I loved the dynamic between Ryder and Hadley after they got together. They were just a very good compliment for one another and a strong couple. 

I'm sad that this is the first book in the series I've read. I will definitely check out other books in the series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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