
ARC Review: Twist by Kylie Scott

Twist is the second book in the Dive Bar series by Kylie Scott, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book after reading Dirty. This book is a standalone story, so you don't need to have read Dirty to enjoy Twist. I was new to Kylie Scott with Dirty, but I am definitely becoming a huge fan of hers. I enjoyed Twist a lot, and I think fans of Dirty are going to enjoy this one as well. 

After his younger brother loses interest in his online dating profile, Joe Collins logs in intending to shut the account down. But then he reads about Alex Parks, and soon his best intentions have gone out the window. As the two being emailing back and forth, they start sharing everything with one another, including secrets that they have never told anyone else. But Alex doesn't know that Joe is himself and thinks that he is actually his younger brother, and when the truth comes out it could ruin everything that they have been building. 

I really liked both Joe and Alex. Despite the lie that brought them together, I felt like they had such a strong and genuine connection. The chemistry was there right away and these two seemed meant to be. I loved how things built from friends to more. Their banter was so much fun to read about and kept me interested from the first page to the last. 

The thing I really love about this series so far is that as great as the main characters are, the secondary characters are just as likable and fun to read about. They all add something to the story and I love this world that Kylie Scott has created. I am really looking forward to reading more from her in the future, and I think that readers are going to really enjoy this story.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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